Author Topic: Follow the Prospects Master Thread  (Read 131027 times)

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Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« on: April 25, 2011, 09:33:58 am »
Thank you :w: JCA-CrystalCity :w:  for building this list, as well as everyone else who has contributed FTP threads. 

Please volunteer to start or maintain a thread and update it periodically.  When you start a thread, please use the following naming convention to make the threads easy to spot - "Follow the Prospects: [name] [position]"  Thanks for your help in this project!

Below you'll find links to several of the Nats Farm players, we try and keep this list updated but please let imref know if we're missing anyone, or if anyone is either gone or no longer considered a prospect.

Current MLB.COM Top 30 Washington National Prospects:
Last updated: 4 March, 2025

1. Dylan Crews, (OF) -

2. Travis Sykora (RHP) -

3. Jarlin Susana (RHP) -

4. Brady House (SS) -

5. Seaver King (SS) -

6. Alex Clemmey (LHP) -

7. Luke Dickerson (SS) -

8. Cade Cavalli (RHP) -

9. Caleb Lomavita (C) -

10. Daylen Lile (OF) -

11. Cayden Wallace (3B) -

12. Robert Hassell III (OF) -

13. Yohandy "Yoyo" Morales (3B) -

14. Kevin Bazzell (C) -

15. Tyler Stuart (RHP) -

16. Angel Feliz (SS/3B) -

17. Andry Lara (RHP) -

18. Jake Bennett (LHP) -

19. Victor Hurtado (OF) -

20. Brayan Cortesia (SS) -

21. Jackson Kent (LHP) -

22. Zach Brzykcy (RHP) -

23. Brad Lord (RHP) -

24. Marquis Grissom Jr (RHP) -

25. Elijah Green (OF) -

26. Andrew Pinckney (OF) -

27. Cristhian Vaquero (OF) -

28. Evan Reifert (RHP) - Rule 5, main roster for 2025

29. Kevin Made (SS) -

30. Sam Peterson (OF) -

Soon to be on the Top 30

Andy Acevedo (OF) -

Andrew Alvarez (LHP) -

Daison Acosta (RHP) -

Darren Baker (2B) -

Carlos Batista (OF) -

Branden Boissiere (1B) -

Marcus Brown (SS) -

Jackson Cluff (SS) -

Brenner Cox (OF) -

Matt "Keep on Loving You" Cronin (LHP) -

Armando Cruz (SS) -

Jeremy De La Rosa (OF) -

Gavin Dugas (2B) -

Cole Freeman (OF/2B) -

Phillip Glasser (SS) -

Cole Henry (RHP) -

Daniel Marte (OF) -

Jared McKenzie (OF) -

Drew Millas (C) -

Jorgelys Mota (SS) -

Viandel Pena(SS) -

Todd Peterson (RHP) -

Brandon Pimentel (LF) -

Holden Powell (RHP) -

Roismar Quintana (OF) -

Rafael Ramirez Jr (SS) -

Orlando Ribalta (RHP) -

Jackson Rutledge (RHP) -

Dustin Saenz (LHP) -

Reid Schaller (RHP) -

Tyler Schoff (RHP) -

Jack Sinclair (RHP) -

Murphy Stehly (3B)

T.J. White (OF) -

Luke "The Force" Young (RHP) -

Offline JMUalumni

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 09:48:10 am »
I already follow Lombo pretty intensely, so I'll go ahead an take over his thread.  I've also been following Oduber pretty closely, so I'll start something on him once I get some biographical info and whatnot on him.  Thanks for compiling, we will see if we can get something going in regards to this feature.

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 02:11:08 pm »
Below you'll find links to several of the Nats Farm players.  I've tried to pick up at least one thread on all the ones on players who are not on the 25 Man and who have less than 1 year MLB service.*

What JMU, BBQ, and I have kicked around is the idea that members of the board will agree to periodically update one of the threads with recent news or developments with a player. For example, news of a roster move (DL, promotion, etc...), recent results, perhaps articles in the hometown or minor league papers,, etc... could be updated as appropriate.  

Volunteer for a thread here, or just do it.  

This will also help us spot loopholes in our tracking. For example, I was astounded to see no threads dedicated to Sammy Solis in the past year. Edit - I started a Solis thread. We probably should track the BA top 30 when we get good at this, but for now, let's aim for BA's top 10 and the first 10 rounds of recent drafts ('09 and '10).

When you start a thread, see if you can find a picture, list some basic bio info, and any quick profiles you can lay your hands on.  BBQ recently did this for Tom Milone. You don't have to have all of the stuff to start a "Follow the Prospects" thread - just try to update the first post when you get the info.  For new threads, please use the following naming convention:  Follow the Prospects: [name][position].

Here is what I've found for existing threads (14 players tracked to some degree):

[snip - see first post]

Norris is an interesting case of many threads being started on him.  Obviously, next to Harper, he's the most written about guy in our minor league system.  Besides Linty's thread, there were earlier threads that died ( and some news threads (news of his beaning - -  as well as his being mentioned in Fangraphs analysis of the Capps deal [NJ Ave's thread], Kevin Goldstein's discussion last summer - ) that probably could have been posted into a deadicated thread had we been doing this. JMU, BBQ, and I don't intend to kibosh threads on interesting developments with these players. Instead, we'd like to have a nice tracking thread in addition to the little threads.

If I've missed any good ancient threads (I went back to April 2010 for last posts), or if you want to track any other player, please start a thread and post a link as a reply here.  I'll modify my post to add links at the start of this thread.

Thanks for your help in this project.


*thus, no Bally.  He's better than a minor leaguer, anyway.  Just Rizzo doesn't realize it.  And ShootingStar makes better cookies, too!

Offline hammondsnats

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 02:22:30 pm »
:clap: jca nice work.

Offline The Chief

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2011, 02:25:04 pm »
I'll sticky this thread.  Nice work JCA.

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2011, 02:28:39 pm »
Thanks Hammonds. I'm not a big minor league follower, but I know you, SF, Linty, GMU, JMU, and the returned BBQ are, and posters like Welch have their favorites, too.  If you or the others have a guy you think should be followed, I'll add him to the list in post #1, and if you'd like to follow any particular player, then claim him or just do it.

I hope this complements some of the great minor league sites others work on.  If any of you who follow the minors have more detail on a player in your own site, feel free to bare bones it here and put a link to your site.

Offline JMUalumni

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2011, 02:32:23 pm »
That is fine Chief, I think this way should work as long as JCA is up to the task of updating the first post (JCA if it gets to be too much, I can edit post #2 of the thread to contain the master list).  I would be willing to take on a number of prospects in the genesis of the idea, until it gains legs (but I will allow others to claim players before I do so).  Just as a reference and to give people an idea of who to cover, here is BA's preseason top 30 from the team:

1. Bryce Harper, OF - Conglomerate
2. Derek Norris, C - Conglomerate
3. Danny Espinosa, SS/2B - MLB
4. A.J. Cole, RHP
5. Wilson Ramos, C - MLB
6. Sammy Solis, LHP - JCA-CrystalCity
7. Cole Kimball, RHP
8. Eury Perez, OF
9. Chris Marrero, OF - BBQ
10. Brad Peacock, RHP - LintyFresh85
11. Yunesky Maya, RHP
12. Destin Hood, OF - Conglomerate
13. Steve Lombardozzi, 2B - JMUAlumni
14. Rick Hague, SS - Houston-Nat?
15. Robbie Ray, LHP
16. Tom Milone, LHP
17. Adrian Sanchez, 2B/3B
18. A.J. Morris, RHP - TRADED
19. Michael Burgess, OF - TRADED
20. Elvin Ramirez, RHP
21. Jeff Kobernus, 2B
22. Jason Martinson, SS
23. Danny Rosenbaum, LHP
24. Tyler Moore, 1B
25. J.P. Ramirez, OF
26. Ryan Tatusko, RHP - Houston-Nat
27. Brad Meyers, RHP
28. Trevor Holder, RHP
29. Adam Carr, RHP
30. Hassan Pena, RHP

Other Possible Candidates:
- Wirkin Estevez - LintyFresh85
- Blake Kelso
- Cameron Selik - Sportsfan882
- Randolph Oduber - JMUAlumni
- Steven Souza
- Brandon King
- Jack McGeary
- Taylor Jordan - HammondsNats

I would suggest that Harper probably does not need any individual to follow him, as he attracts a great deal of interest from everyone anyway.  But every other prospect not in the majors should be open game.  Maintaing a thread for individual players shouldn't be too much work, just a original post with background info (which should be the most intensive of the thread), followed by periodic posts detailing the highs and lows of the player's seasons, along with any news articles that may pop up throughout the year regarding to the player.  The idea is very fluid right now, so any suggestions for improvements is more than welcome.

Offline Lintyfresh85

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2011, 02:42:16 pm »
Also, and I'm going to keep banging this drum, because I expect him to be pretty high on the list next year... look out for DSL prospect Wirkin Estevez.

As an 18 year old in the DSL last year...

15 G, 14 GS, 82.2 IP, 2.61 ERA, 1.04 WHIP, 95/12 K/BB, 10.33 K/9, 1.31 BB/9, 7.92 K/BB rate

Those are monster numbers. Of course, he might be a soft tosser and all of those stats mean squat... but I'm hoping when he hits state side, he proves to be a mid 90's fastball type pitcher that will quickly make a name for himself as a prospect once the prospect evaluators and scouts get a look at him.

Offline sportsfan882

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2011, 02:48:05 pm »
Also, and I'm going to keep banging this drum, because I expect him to be pretty high on the list next year... look out for DSL prospect Wirkin Estevez.

As an 18 year old in the DSL last year...

15 G, 14 GS, 82.2 IP, 2.61 ERA, 1.04 WHIP, 95/12 K/BB, 10.33 K/9, 1.31 BB/9, 7.92 K/BB rate

Those are monster numbers. Of course, he might be a soft tosser and all of those stats mean squat... but I'm hoping when he hits state side, he proves to be a mid 90's fastball type pitcher that will quickly make a name for himself as a prospect once the prospect evaluators and scouts get a look at him.
Sounds a lot like Ozzie Rodriguez :? Whatever happened to that bum? :?

Offline houston-nat

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2011, 03:14:13 pm »
I'd be happy to take on Ryan Tatusko and possibly Rick Hague, if PA doesn't fight me for him. And I am looking forward to seeing what someone does with 17. Adrian Sanchez, because I've never heard of him.

Offline Glockypoo

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2011, 03:15:04 pm »
Somebody, anybody...give Bake Kelso some love. He's Lombardozzi Part Deux (through my jaded glasses).

Seriously though, thanks for putting this together JCA.

I don't post much but I read every day and I very much appreciate stuff like this.

Offline tomterp

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2011, 03:30:41 pm »
The third post in this thread is a bit longer and explains what a few of us hope to accomplish with this thread and the threads about individual prospects.  I hope you'll participate and become a board expert on particular prospects.

I'll use the first post as a master list.  Thanks to JMUAlumni and BBQ for starting this.  Please volunteer to start or maintain a thread and update periodically.  Thanks for your help in this project.  JCA-CrystalCity

I would add that as each of you become the WNFF subject matter experts as regards your adopted minor leaguer, that you also consider the possibility and take advantage of any opportunity to invite your subject to join us on WNFF for a 1-hour "get to know the prospect" chat.  No telling what sorts of octopi might be hiding in closets.

Offline sportsfan882

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2011, 03:31:55 pm »
I call Cameron Selik! :az:

Offline Lintyfresh85

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2011, 03:42:42 pm »
Linty - want to start a "Follow the Prospects:  Wirkin "My Way Back to You" Estevez" thread by copying Reply #7?  You can fill in bio info later.


Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2011, 03:56:57 pm »
I would suggest that Harper probably does not need any individual to follow him, as he attracts a great deal of interest from everyone anyway.  But every other prospect not in the majors should be open game.  Maintaining a thread for individual players shouldn't be too much work, just a original post with background info (which should be the most intensive of the thread), followed by periodic posts detailing the highs and lows of the player's seasons, along with any news articles that may pop up throughout the year regarding to the player.  The idea is very fluid right now, so any suggestions for improvements is more than welcome.

houston -Tatusko is yours.  normally I'd say whoever sets up Hague first, go for it, but if you want to PM Linty first and see if he wants to, fine.

Picking up on the BA top 30 in JMU's post. Norris and Harper, and maybe Destin Hood, have the most full coverage so far and need the least maintenance.  Cole and Perez look to have decent threads going but I'm not sure if the basic bio is there.  Biggest need I think is for threads to get started on Solis and Kimball, followed by someone to pick up Marrero now that he's a prospect again.  If folks want to agree to maintain an existing profile, it's be less effort.

Was it Hood that had a high school friend posting for a while?

Offline JMUalumni

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2011, 04:05:26 pm »
Was it Hood that had a high school friend posting for a while?

Yes, Jcrabtree.  He hasn't been active since January though.

Offline mitlen

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2011, 04:06:29 pm »

Offline BBQ

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2011, 11:20:14 pm »
I have Marrero, dibs.

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2011, 08:39:30 am »
I have Marrero, dibs.
Noted.  If you want to start a fresh thread, go for it and copy in stuff from either of the threads from the past few days.  If you just want to use either of the existing threads, let me know which one.  GMU' copied his post into yours and I copied yours into GMUs, so both work.  Whatever end sup as "the" marrero thread (new or either of the exisitng) will be linked up top.

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2011, 08:46:41 am »

Offline hammondsnats

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2011, 10:11:00 am »
hey JMU, we already have a thread dedicated to Destin Hood.

Offline Obed_Marsh

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2011, 11:08:01 am »
If you are going to go to all the trouble of organizing these threads, could you pick one standard naming convention and stick with it please?

I prefer "Follow the Prospects: Player Name". I'd settle for "Player Name: Follow the Prospects" but the inconsistency drives my inner organizer nuts.

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2011, 12:23:23 pm »
If you are going to go to all the trouble of organizing these threads, could you pick one standard naming convention and stick with it please?

I prefer "Follow the Prospects: Player Name". I'd settle for "Player Name: Follow the Prospects" but the inconsistency drives my inner organizer nuts.
Noted.  I'll put that in the initial posts for this thread.  For existing threads, there isn't much I can do, and I can only request that new ones are set up that way.

Offline Obed_Marsh

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2011, 12:24:46 pm »
Thank you. :D

For existing threads, there isn't much I can do, and I can only request that new ones are set up that way.

Actually the original poster can change the title of the thread, the old posts won't show it but the new ones will. They simply need to edit the title on the first post of the thread.

Offline tomterp

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Re: Follow the Prospects Master Thread
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2011, 12:32:09 pm »
If you are going to go to all the trouble of organizing these threads, could you pick one standard naming convention and stick with it please?

I prefer "Follow the Prospects: Player Name". I'd settle for "Player Name: Follow the Prospects" but the inconsistency drives my inner organizer nuts.

It's more logical to have it "Follow the Prospects: Player Name", but easier to hone in on the guy you want with the player name first.  Do we have a consensus? 
