Author Topic: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?  (Read 11111 times)

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Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #250: February 12, 2024, 01:20:17 PM »

More detail at this link, including Senator Lucas saying that the deal is dead as far as she is concerned.

“Lucas was asked if changes to the House version of the bill, which will cross over to the Senate for consideration assuming it clears a floor vote, could make the proposal palatable.

“She answered by saying she had a strenuous objection to the project financing as currently envisioned because of its use of moral obligation bonds backed by the state and the city of Alexandria to backstop about a third of the financing. That means taxpayers could be on the hook if the project revenues don’t come through as expected.

“”As long as the full faith and credit of this Commonwealth is backing this project, my answer continues to be an absolute no,” she said.”

And the same rationale cited by Warner in the ballpark process for lack of support related to the use of “moral obligation” bonds surfaces yet again.

Offline Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #251: February 12, 2024, 01:57:02 PM »
Ted’s dream turning into a nightmare. 

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #252: February 12, 2024, 02:20:19 PM »
What exactly would constitute a “temporary traffic control” that would be acceptable on the airport side of things that would stop cut-through traffic from arriving near all of this? Wouldn’t anything that would stop traffic exiting southbound to get on Rt. 1 north or south or onto Crystal Drive also have to stop every other type of associated traffic, including not just rental cars but people doing pick up/drop off, ride shares, and taxis?

There’s this too:
“Traffic attempting to use George Washington Parkway to access Route 1 at the airport would use the airport access roads. Movements are currently discouraged using speed humps, constrained roadway widths, and low speed limits.“

One can easily see the traffic leaving work and headed southbound not bearing off on the exits for Clark Street or Route 1 but getting off on the parkway and exiting at the airport, especially as “low speed limits” may not be much of a deterrent as traffic crawls along every other roadway.
What their talking about is a way into Crystal City that I sometimes encourage my visitors to take. You go into the airport southbound off the Parkway and exit on the 15 MPH, speed bump enhanced exit off through some old  buildings (airport police?) and onto the bridge over the Parkway and RR tracks onto Crystal Dr North or Rt 1 south by the CVS. I would think you could post a cop there at the airport and only waive through the hotel vans and perhaps the Uber/Lyfts and cabs. You could do something like give the Uber/Lyfts/Cabs a tag or badge at the passenger pickup so they could flash or hand the cop to use the short cut. It really doesn't sound that hard to implement. Uber drivers aren't going to want to try skirtingg the restriction if they could lose the ability to do airport pickups.

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #253: February 12, 2024, 03:07:23 PM »

“HUGE news from Richmond. Senate version of bill to fund new Capitals/Wizards arena in Alexandria dead. Senate Finance has no plans to move forward over concerns about taxpayer money, Gov Youngkin refusal to negotiate. House bill still alive but Senate Dems plan to vote it down”

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #254: February 12, 2024, 03:19:50 PM »
I agree...I think this project is DOA.  Ted is workin' Muriel right now just to get that $500MM up to $600MM...or whatever he can...

It's DOA...and rightfully so...

Offline imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #255: February 12, 2024, 03:31:22 PM »
If this is truly dead (and I doubt it is), I wonder if Ted would accept the humiliation of reopening negotiations with DC or if he'll think about another option, like National Harbor for example.

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #256: February 12, 2024, 05:35:38 PM »
If this is truly dead (and I doubt it is), I wonder if Ted would accept the humiliation of reopening negotiations with DC or if he'll think about another option, like National Harbor for example.

Though renovating the existing place and getting Bowser psyched about that whole law-enforcement aspect around it was the first choice, I wasn’t opposed to a site in Virginia that made sense. The spot near the Cafritz developments in Pentagon city that still appears to be vacant would be a start.

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #257: February 12, 2024, 06:06:05 PM »
Though renovating the existing place and getting Bowser psyched about that whole law-enforcement aspect around it was the first choice, I wasn’t opposed to a site in Virginia that made sense. The spot near the Cafritz developments in Pentagon city that still appears to be vacant would be a start.
is that where the giant poop emoji building for Amazon was going to be built. It might be a nice way for Amazon to get out gracefully. They could also place the Poop Emoji on the other side of Route 1 if it is still going to be an urban boulevard. Nothing says "urban" more than poop by a sidewalk.

Offline welch

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #258: February 13, 2024, 08:56:50 AM »
If this is truly dead (and I doubt it is), I wonder if Ted would accept the humiliation of reopening negotiations with DC or if he'll think about another option, like National Harbor for example.

Only mostly dead, as someone commented on today's Post story. He was quoting Miracle Max from "The Princess Bride".

Full story here:

Offline imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #259: February 13, 2024, 09:18:29 AM »
Only mostly dead, as someone commented on today's Post story. He was quoting Miracle Max from "The Princess Bride".

Full story here:

And they even worked a Monty Python reference into the story!

so who's the six-fingered man in this scenario?

Offline Slateman

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #260: February 13, 2024, 10:44:38 AM »
Only mostly dead, as someone commented on today's Post story. He was quoting Miracle Max from "The Princess Bride".

Full story here:

Think it will work?

It'll take a miracle

Offline imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #261: February 13, 2024, 10:52:28 AM »
now i'm craving a MLT.

Offline Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #262: February 13, 2024, 11:11:33 AM »
Ted failed to grease enough palms. 

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #263: February 13, 2024, 11:26:33 AM »
Just got my renewal e-mail  :hysterical:

"In appreciation of your renewal, 2024-25 season ticket members will be receiving the first piece of 50th Anniversary merchandise produced as a special exclusive to season ticket members – a 50th Anniversary quarter zip pullover.

In addition, upon your renewal for the 2024-25 season, you’ll receive $25 of Monumental Money that can be used during the duration of the 2023-24 season. "

Pound sand Ted.

Offline machpost

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #264: February 13, 2024, 11:51:50 AM »
We dropped our ticket package last year after it became clear that the team doesn't seem to be focused on (or capable of) making it back to the playoffs anytime soon. And when I do go, I see a lot more empty seats than I used to see.

Offline Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #265: February 13, 2024, 12:38:41 PM »
We dropped our ticket package last year after it became clear that the team doesn't seem to be focused on (or capable of) making it back to the playoffs anytime soon. And when I do go, I see a lot more empty seats than I used to see.
I think the issue is that they are trying to make the playoffs but are saddled with a veteran roster.  Their oldest team in the league. They don’t have cap space to attract good players.   But they don’t want to rebuild while Ovie is chasing the record.  Which looks like it will take a while now. 

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #266: February 13, 2024, 12:44:22 PM »
The issue is that the owner turns out to be a snake.  He could have trotted out Mites on Ice as an NHL team while raising prices every year and a lot of STHs (myself included) would have kept coming back without a second thought.

Offline Slateman

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #267: February 13, 2024, 01:20:25 PM »
I think the issue is that they are trying to make the playoffs but are saddled with a veteran roster.  Their oldest team in the league. They don’t have cap space to attract good players.   But they don’t want to rebuild while Ovie is chasing the record.  Which looks like it will take a while now. 
Yep. Doesn't help that Kuzy didn't pan out either. But the truth is, they had a perfect opportunity last year to trade Ovi and do a quick rebuild, and instead, Leonsis wanted to keep him for a legacy.

Doesn't mean that the team can't compete, but its going to take a lot more to get them to the playoffs.

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #268: February 13, 2024, 06:08:29 PM »
The issue is that the owner turns out to be a snake.  He could have trotted out Mites on Ice as an NHL team while raising prices every year and a lot of STHs (myself included) would have kept coming back without a second thought.

When Ted bought the team...his stated goal was to have the Arena sold out every night.  No mention of competing or championships.  At least the Lerners and Rizzo said that line until they didn't anymore...

Offline Count Walewski

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #269: February 13, 2024, 06:24:29 PM »
Why would you go ahead and announce this without knowing that all relevant politicians are on board? There are interns in DC that could have handled the politics of this more skillfully.

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #270: February 13, 2024, 06:30:10 PM »
Why would you go ahead and announce this without knowing that all relevant politicians are on board? There are interns in DC that could have handled the politics of this more skillfully.
It was going to need a vote, so they had to btrak it to the legislature at some point. Should Youngkin have worked with the legislative leaders first? Maybe. Now obviously

Offline imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #271: February 13, 2024, 10:06:30 PM »
House bill passes 51-40

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #272: February 14, 2024, 05:17:35 PM »
Just got my renewal e-mail  :hysterical:

"In appreciation of your renewal, 2024-25 season ticket members will be receiving the first piece of 50th Anniversary merchandise produced as a special exclusive to season ticket members – a 50th Anniversary quarter zip pullover.

In addition, upon your renewal for the 2024-25 season, you’ll receive $25 of Monumental Money that can be used during the duration of the 2023-24 season. "

Pound sand Ted.

Got an email from Trevor today myself . Don't overlook the discount you get on playoff tickets as a SPH!  😂

Offline Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #273: February 14, 2024, 05:42:04 PM »
Got an email from Trevor today myself . Don't overlook the discount you get on playoff tickets as a SPH!  😂
What they should say. 

We have no chance at the playoffs.  Ovie is slowing down as are some others. Kuzy fell off the wagon.  Backy is not coming back.  It looks like Ovie will not break the record until 25-26 or maybe even later.  Do you want to give up your season tickets now and risk not being able to go to (or sell for a huge profit) tickets for those games when he is going to tie and break the record?  The ticket emporiums are all lined up to buy your tickets if you don’t renew. 

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #274: February 14, 2024, 09:17:56 PM »
What they should say. 

We have no chance at the playoffs.  Ovie is slowing down as are some others. Kuzy fell off the wagon.  Backy is not coming back.  It looks like Ovie will not break the record until 25-26 or maybe even later.  Do you want to give up your season tickets now and risk not being able to go to (or sell for a huge profit) tickets for those games when he is going to tie and break the record?  The ticket emporiums are all lined up to buy your tickets if you don’t renew.

I had a couple of premonitions and timed it so that we could be there for 500 and 600...and it paid off... 

I mistimed his 800/801/802/803 but we got to see his 804/805/806 hat trick on New Years Eve in 2022.

I first met the guy in 2015...such an imposing figure.  He signed the 500th goal celebratory promo for me when we met him again after winning the Stanley Cup in 2018.

I hope my luck, and his, holds out for 895...