Author Topic: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?  (Read 14989 times)

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Online Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #375 on: March 20, 2024, 06:19:18 pm »
I don’t seem them staying unless they can bend over DC in negotiations. Even a crappy location with a billion in tax payer funding and ownership of an entertainment district is better than being a tenant at capital one
Yeah but they need somewhere to go.  Those deals arent easy anymore. 

Online varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #376 on: March 20, 2024, 06:21:11 pm »
Yeah but they need somewhere to go.  Those deals arent easy anymore.

...and with an eye on expansion, the NHL is unlikely to approve a major move unless someone wants to bring an expansion team to this market...

Offline HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #377 on: March 20, 2024, 06:26:37 pm »
Yeah but they need somewhere to go.  Those deals arent easy anymore. 

Never count out PG politicians

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #378 on: March 20, 2024, 11:17:21 pm »
“Virginia House leaders dispute governor’s claim that their consultant heaped praise on arena deal”

“Legislators in the House did hire outside counsel to assist them in their review of the proposal, according to interviews with legislators and documents obtained through a public records request. But both House Speaker Don Scott and House budget committee chairman Luke Torian said Youngkin’s remarks — similar to those given in other speeches — were inaccurate and far overstated the scope of the firm’s work.

“The firm had seen potential for a “great” opportunity in the structure of the deal, if the underlying assumptions were borne out by a financial review, something that never fully got underway because talks collapsed, according to Scott, who said the governor was “embellishing.””

“Torian said no kind of comprehensive report was presented and Youngkin’s comments about the firm’s findings were inaccurate.”

“Scott stopped short of saying in the interview that the project is dead. But he said the governor’s current public campaign isn’t helping and is only further alienating Lucas, who told WTOP and The Washington Post this week that the arena remains a “nonstarter.”

Online imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #379 on: March 22, 2024, 01:05:35 pm »
Tom Sherwood
#BreakingNews - DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb tells Ted Leonsis in a stern letter this week that Leonsis’ DC contract means Leonsis cannot legally move his Caps & Wizards teams to Virginia until 2047 — 2047, that Leonsis can’t just pay off bonds early & move in 2027.

Offline HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #380 on: March 22, 2024, 01:16:45 pm »
Does that mean DC pulls its $500 million offer and tells ted to ask again in 20 years?

Online varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #381 on: March 22, 2024, 01:34:10 pm »
I wouldn't be surprised if this was leaked so that Ted can now back away more gracefully...

Whomever it was on his team missed this little detail is likely being escorted out of the building with a cardboard box full of their personal belongings...

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #382 on: March 22, 2024, 02:35:03 pm »
Tom Sherwood

From the letter:

“Your letter recognizes that, among its contributions to MSE over the years, the District publicly financed extensive improvements to the Arena in 2007, just 10 years after the Arena opened. In July 2007, the District enacted legislation that gave DC Arena LP (DCALP) $50 million to renovate the Arena. Those funds were raised through municipal bonds. The Council expressly conditioned that public financing on DCALP’s commitment to extend the original ground lease for an additional 20 years, thereby ensuring the District and its taxpayers that the Wizards and the Capitals would continue to play their home games at the Arena through 2047. The July 2007 legislation did not authorize DCALP to extinguish or revoke the lease extensions upon prepayment of the outstanding bond debt at some unknown time in the future. Nor did any DCALP representative or District official suggest such a possibility during the legislative process. On the contrary, they all agreed on the public record that, in exchange for the $50 million in public financing, DCALP would exercise the two 10-year lease extensions—full stop. And that made sense: allowing DCALP to terminate the lease extensions would have permitted it to retract the consideration it provided for the $50 million in taxpayer-backed financing it requested and received. That consideration included not only the lease extensions themselves, but also, as your letter acknowledges, the promise of excess sales tax revenues that would revert to the District for the additional 20 years of the lease, from 2028 through 2047.

“Notwithstanding the plain language and clear intent of the July 2007 legislation, provisions in subsequent agreements executed in December 2007 purport to allow DCALP to revoke the lease extensions at any time by paying the District the money needed to satisfy the outstanding bond debt. Because those provisions illegally exceeded what the 2007 legislation authorized, they are ultra vires, void ab initio, and unenforceable. Under the valid and enforceable terms of the 2007 legislation and agreements, MSE is obligated to keep the Wizards and Capitals at the Arena through 2041.

“Additionally, in negotiating a preliminary agreement with Virginia, MSE has broken other promises to the District. MSE's October 12, 2017 agreement with the District for the Entertainment and Sports Arena (ESA) in Congress Heights provides that, if MSE intends to relocate the Wizards or Capitals from Capital One Arena, MSE must (1) notify the District of its intent, (2) negotiate exclusively and in good faith with the District for a period of six months, (3) refrain from negotiating with anyone else during that exclusive negotiation period, (4) following the exclusive negotiation period, if it intends to enter into any agreement with a third party to move the teams outside the District, give the District written notice of the material terms of the agreement, and (5) give the District 90 days to make a competing offer. MSE's negotiations with Virginia violated these contractual provisions.”

Online imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #383 on: March 24, 2024, 09:44:43 am »

Offline HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #384 on: March 24, 2024, 09:47:42 am »

Alexandria NIMBYs tagging Reston NIMBYs into the ring.

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #385 on: March 24, 2024, 11:07:17 am »

the wiz would start their games at 8 pm to allow the few hundred fans who would try to attend from the District, PG, and eastern MoCo to be able to get to tysons. The games will be 3 quarters rather than 4 so they will end early enough. The casino developer is thinking about asking the NBA to end games as soon as the Wiz are down 20, which they figure will also get games over early and get butts in the casino

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #386 on: March 24, 2024, 11:39:19 am »

Please; leave the thing in DC.

Oh, and there’s this:

“Surovell said Friday that he pitched the casino idea a little over a week ago to Monica Dixon, Monumental’s president of external affairs.“


$6,772 - Scott Surovell for Senate - Comstock Holding Companies Inc/Comstock Company
$1,000 - Scott Surovell for Senate - Dylan Schar Clemente/Comstock VP of Parking Management & Security
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$10,000 - Scott Surovell for Senate - Dylan Schar Clemente/Comstock VP of Parking Management & Security

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #387 on: March 24, 2024, 10:18:57 pm »
Interesting how this Ben Tribbett reportedly went from talking about canceling season tickets on March 4th:;msg=2308794

To this:

“But the three who have pitched the casino-arena idea — Senate Majority Leader Scott A. Surovell (D-Fairfax); Christopher Clemente, chief executive of Comstock, the company seeking to build the casino; and Ben Tribbett, a prominent Fairfax political and business consultant who counts Surovell, Comstock and the arena’s chief opponent, Sen. L. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth), as clients — say it could revive both projects and satisfy Lucas, the Senate Finance and Appropriations chairwoman and the arena’s self-described one-woman “roadblock,” that the sports complex would not put the state’s finances at risk.”

“”As this [arena] project has imploded in the last three weeks … one of the concepts that I floated was the possibility of merging the arena with a Northern Virginia casino and using the casino tax revenue to backstop the bonds instead of the state’s general fund,” Surovell said. “Monumental was not a fan, and that was the end of the conversation.””

“But Clemente and Tribbett continued shopping the idea last week. Clemente pitched it directly to Monumental owner Ted Leonsis in a phone call Wednesday, a Monumental spokesman said, and again later that day to Matt Kelly, chief executive of JBG Smith, which would build the arena. Tribbett also discussed it Thursday with Dixon, the Monumental spokesman said.

“Tribbett has a dual role, advising Lucas — who has single-handedly blocked the arena project so far, killing two stand-alone bills without giving them hearings and blocking negotiators from authorizing the arena through the budget bill — while also representing Clemente’s company and his bid for a casino. Tribbett said there was nothing wrong with representing clients with opposite views on an issue.

“”When we have a client that is putting a stadium bill forward and we have another who is the lead opposition, is that awkward?” he asked. “That’s politics.””

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #388 on: March 24, 2024, 10:22:44 pm »
Ted was loudly booed when his face came up on the big screen during Oshie's 1k ceremony.  Poor little sausage isn't very popular. 

Offline machpost

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #389 on: March 25, 2024, 09:10:58 am »
Ted was loudly booed when his face came up on the big screen during Oshie's 1k ceremony.  Poor little sausage isn't very popular. 
We were watching it on TV and I remarked that I can't remember the last time Ted wasn't down on the ice for this type of ceremony.

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #390 on: March 25, 2024, 11:38:31 pm »

“Lawmakers also had critical or noncommital remarks when asked about Youngkin’s proposed $2 billion development district with a new arena intended to lure the NBA’s Washington Wizards and the NHL’s Washington Capitals to Alexandria.

“House Speaker Don Scott joked that he needed to leave when the question came up.

“Lucas, who’s been a leading critic of the plan, insisted that it’s dead, as she’s said before.

““At this point ... if the conversation is going to continue to be, ‘We have to use taxpayer-financed debt, and it’s going to be in Alexandria,’ the conversation’s a complete waste of time,” Surovell said.“

Complete waste of time seems about right

Online Smithian

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #391 on: March 26, 2024, 04:47:57 pm »
I don’t seem them staying unless they can bend over DC in negotiations. Even a crappy location with a billion in tax payer funding and ownership of an entertainment district is better than being a tenant at capital one
They desperately want to be gone.

The problem in Virginia is they have the dual issue of NIMBYs taking to the trenches and a Republican Governor and Democratic state senate in a race to blame each other. I think Monumental could solve one of the problems, but not both.

I'm not 60/40 that the Caps and Wizards will stay. I maintain DC should keep its offer on the table. Don't need Monumental to say screw it and settle for a massive reduced Virginia offer because DC got vindictive.

Offline Slateman

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #392 on: March 26, 2024, 04:59:28 pm »
Like I said, they'll just wait for Spanberger

Offline HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #393 on: March 26, 2024, 05:03:58 pm »
They desperately want to be gone.

The problem in Virginia is they have the dual issue of NIMBYs taking to the trenches and a Republican Governor and Democratic state senate in a race to blame each other. I think Monumental could solve one of the problems, but not both.

I'm not 60/40 that the Caps and Wizards will stay. I maintain DC should keep its offer on the table. Don't need Monumental to say screw it and settle for a massive reduced Virginia offer because DC got vindictive.

They can want all they want to. It’s a terrible deal for taxpayers

Offline GataNats

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #394 on: March 27, 2024, 01:42:57 am »
Like I said, they'll just wait for Spanberger

lol.  There is no waiting.  Ted will be long gone by 2047

Offline HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #395 on: March 27, 2024, 04:09:29 pm »
Tom Sherwood is reporting the Ted has given up on Alexandria and will remain in DC.  :hysterical:

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #396 on: March 27, 2024, 04:18:03 pm »

“The City of Alexandria has ended negotiations related to the Potomac Yard Entertainment District opportunity and the proposal will not move forward.”

Online Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #397 on: March 27, 2024, 04:21:57 pm »
Poor Ted. 

Online IanRubbish

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #398 on: March 27, 2024, 05:01:53 pm »

Online Smithian

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #399 on: March 27, 2024, 05:09:15 pm »
Disaster averted by Washington, DC.

Any efforts to renovate Cap One must be combined with massive quality of life improvements to Chinatown.