Author Topic: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?  (Read 14727 times)

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Online Natsinpwc

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #300 on: February 20, 2024, 04:01:36 pm »
If this dies, I’m guessing DC’s offer is a lot less generous.
He can threaten to move to Baltimore. 

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #301 on: February 20, 2024, 04:40:12 pm »
Or that notorious squat nearby at 310 First Street SE
GAO Building.  No one likes them anyway. Troublemakers. 

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #302 on: February 20, 2024, 05:27:57 pm »
If this dies, I’m guessing DC’s offer is a lot less generous.

Oh, it's dead.  Ted screwed the pooch and killed the goose that laid the golden egg in one fell swoop...

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #303 on: February 20, 2024, 05:30:59 pm »
He can threaten to move to Baltimore.

...or Hershey.  At least he'd have his sell-outs there, and plenty of real estate for the employees he doesn't lay off...

The Bears could play at Cap One...

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #304 on: February 20, 2024, 06:45:02 pm »

Ted and his minions were pitching the project before the Caps game tonight...

"Confident that we can make this work for the benefit of the DMV".

What a benevolent soul...

Offline blue911

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #305 on: February 20, 2024, 06:49:22 pm »
Ted and his minions were pitching the project before the Caps game tonight...

"Confident that we can make this work for the benefit of the DMV".

What a benevolent soul...

So moving to Nashville?

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #306 on: February 20, 2024, 07:22:49 pm »
So moving to Nashville?

They don't want him...they have their fair share mediocre teams already...

Another thing...the NHL is talking about expanding from 32 to 36 teams over the next 6 years.  I think relocation will be frowned upon as it serves to reduces the market. 

SLC is pretty much a shoe-in for the next franchise.  Atlanta has been mentioned for a third shot.  I have to wonder if Hartford couldn't put up a good case for a second go-around as well.  Quebec City?

Ted needs to cozy up to Muriel and get whatever sweetheart deal she may still be willing to make...

Offline Smithian

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #307 on: February 21, 2024, 10:15:19 am »
I've gone from 90-10 certain this would happen to.... 55-45. Monumental has too much money to lose by not getting this across the finish line. If the Virginia deal goes down in flames, I'm not certain is the best idea for DC to play super hard ball here. Ted and Monumental team could still wait on a less generous Virginia package and move.

Has anyone seen a good article about the difference in economic impact of keeping the Wizards and Caps versus getting the Commanders into DC? Prestige wise, I think NFL is clearly bigger than Wizards and Caps. But economic impact wise I have to think 90-100 Caps and Wizards games are more important than 10-12 Commanders games. And even if the Commanders new stadium attracted a Super Bowl or other huge event, DC still gets that economic impact.

Online HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #308 on: February 21, 2024, 10:49:24 am »
I've gone from 90-10 certain this would happen to.... 55-45. Monumental has too much money to lose by not getting this across the finish line. If the Virginia deal goes down in flames, I'm not certain is the best idea for DC to play super hard ball here. Ted and Monumental team could still wait on a less generous Virginia package and move.

Has anyone seen a good article about the difference in economic impact of keeping the Wizards and Caps versus getting the Commanders into DC? Prestige wise, I think NFL is clearly bigger than Wizards and Caps. But economic impact wise I have to think 90-100 Caps and Wizards games are more important than 10-12 Commanders games. And even if the Commanders new stadium attracted a Super Bowl or other huge event, DC still gets that economic impact.

The Potomac yards study had to assume well over 300 events per year to make the numbers work. I think it's safe to say that the money either jurisdiction spends will not be worth the impact- for either team. There is barely any parking, yet the study assumes there will be days where the arena hosts both NBA and NHL as well as a concert. Do they really think that many people will take metro rather than say, not attend?

Offline Smithian

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #309 on: February 21, 2024, 11:37:36 am »
The Potomac yards study had to assume well over 300 events per year to make the numbers work. I think it's safe to say that the money either jurisdiction spends will not be worth the impact- for either team. There is barely any parking, yet the study assumes there will be days where the arena hosts both NBA and NHL as well as a concert. Do they really think that many people will take metro rather than say, not attend?

300 events seems like way too many unless they knock down Cap One, which isn't happening. I also saw something where there is an assumption some people will park at DCA for games, which is ... Strange?

I have no belief this deal pays off in the short- or medium-term for Virginia. It isn't like that part of the state is economically struggling. It's a legacy play. They're paying $100 dollars for a $40 steak. Good steak, but at that price?

DC loses if Ted gets to NoVa. NoVa doesn't particularly win with all the offset problems and price of the arena. But Monumental makes mega bucks.

For bad stadium deals, this is a particularly bad one.

Online HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #310 on: February 21, 2024, 11:50:15 am »
300 events seems like way too many unless they knock down Cap One, which isn't happening. I also saw something where there is an assumption some people will park at DCA for games, which is ... Strange?

I have no belief this deal pays off in the short- or medium-term for Virginia. It isn't like that part of the state is economically struggling. It's a legacy play. They're paying $100 dollars for a $40 steak. Good steak, but at that price?

DC loses if Ted gets to NoVa. NoVa doesn't particularly win with all the offset problems and price of the arena. But Monumental makes mega bucks.

For bad stadium deals, this is a particularly bad one.

Potomac Yards flat out doesn't need this. There is construction everywhere there that there can be construction. I think the only legacy will be locals upset about increased traffic

Offline machpost

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #311 on: February 21, 2024, 11:52:05 am »
300 events seems like way too many unless they knock down Cap One, which isn't happening.
I'm guessing that one of the reasons why Ted wants to renovate Cap One to reduce seating capacity is that he thinks it'll push most of the acts who put on concerts there to his new arena.

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #312 on: February 21, 2024, 12:05:25 pm »

I have no belief this deal pays off in the short- or medium-term for Virginia. It isn't like that part of the state is economically struggling.
The main push is for this to accelerate development in 5-10 years that would otherwise not occur for 30-40 years. That was part of the pitch on the income tax deal mentioned above. if it doesn't pay off short to medium term, then it doesn't add anything

Online HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #313 on: February 21, 2024, 01:26:49 pm »
The main push is for this to accelerate development in 5-10 years that would otherwise not occur for 30-40 years. That was part of the pitch on the income tax deal mentioned above. if it doesn't pay off short to medium term, then it doesn't add anything

Potomac yards doesn’t have any parcels that won’t be developed as fast as plans can be approved.

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #314 on: February 21, 2024, 01:34:32 pm »
Potomac yards doesn’t have any parcels that won’t be developed as fast as plans can be approved.

People in the area can drive by to see how this would be shoehorn in between the Virginia tech innovation campus and the metro station, with tons of development going on across the street and in the surrounding area. The one thing that place does not lack is pending development — that is, except where Amazon has taken a knee for the time being at the northern part national landing, where the helix building was supposed to be.

Online Slateman

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #315 on: February 21, 2024, 05:18:56 pm »
Amazon is currently trying to figure out how to cut their losses on HQ2. No reason to invest a crap ton when everyone wants to work from home.

Offline imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #316 on: February 21, 2024, 11:08:45 pm »
She’s not wrong:

L. Louise Lucas
The #GlennDome financing is based on ticket sales to the new arena.

Looking at the projections that appears to include Wizards playoff games.

Wizards?  Playoffs?  I was still at the Shipyard the last time they were relevant in that discussion and they were called the Bullets.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #317 on: February 23, 2024, 05:17:26 pm »
For his next trick, Governor Sweatervest will give Tangier Island to Tesla for a battery plant.

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #318 on: February 23, 2024, 05:29:57 pm »
She’s not wrong:

Right around here:

And what other team could’ve handled the MJ arrival and departure like this one?

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #319 on: February 28, 2024, 09:21:55 am »
What says prudent governance than Youngkin reportedly planning to make with hundreds of millions of dollars for Lucas and Hampton Roads for an arena-dependent revenue stream to cover tolls? I don’t think I saw where that’s covered in the arena, revenue projections, but maybe it’s under the redactions.

“Youngkin’s plan would set aside $130 million in state funds to pay off all currently unpaid charges on the tunnels since 2014, regardless of income, although the administration would negotiate to lower the cost. The Senate plan also would pay off charges, but assumes a lower negotiated cost. The governor would dedicate $165 million in excess revenues collected from the first phase of the proposed Monumental Sports and Entertainment District for toll relief through the 40-year life of the state bonds that would finance the arena and other adjacent uses.”

Maybe the Hampton Roads people will take a harder look at the legislation and projections, and raise a question or two about how this would actually have excess revenue to that degree in the first phase.


Online HalfSmokes

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #320 on: February 28, 2024, 09:44:12 am »
I will never vote for my delegate or senator again if they support Hampton roads toll relief and not NOVA toll relief

Offline Five Banners

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #321 on: March 05, 2024, 06:39:59 pm »
“Monumental deletes post with false claims about proposed Potomac Yard arena | VERIFY”

“Monumental Sports and Entertainment posted untrue statements about the rarity of the financing and usage of its proposed arena for the Capitals and Wizards”

And this doesn’t even go into some of the claims made in the briefing document to the legislature through which one might be able to drive a Mac truck

Offline varoadking

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #322 on: March 05, 2024, 07:22:48 pm »
“Monumental deletes post with false claims about proposed Potomac Yard arena | VERIFY”

“Monumental Sports and Entertainment posted untrue statements about the rarity of the financing and usage of its proposed arena for the Capitals and Wizards”

And this doesn’t even go into some of the claims made in the briefing document to the legislature through which one might be able to drive a Mac truck

Honest mistake...not meant to be misleading...  :hysterical:

BTW...Eric Flack looks like Eli Manning...

Of cities with all 4 major professional franchises, is there one with a worse collection of owners?  I guess NYC actually has quite a few more than just 4 teams though...LA as well...and Chicago has 5...

This would likely have been a slam dunk while Snyder was here...

Offline imref

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Offline imref

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Re: Caps and Wiz moving to Potomac Yards?
« Reply #324 on: March 07, 2024, 02:44:21 pm »
Youngkin held a press event outside of the Capitol in Richmond to blast the legislature for killing the deal. Check of the visual of who is looking down on him: