Author Topic: I, For One, Welcome Our New CF Overlord (The Robles Thread)  (Read 49417 times)

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Offline Mattionals

  • Posts: 5762
Robles has hit major league pitching before. He's only 24, is extremely talented, has already raked in the minor leagues, and plays elite defense in CF. This idea that in a lost season we should send him down to play Lane Thomas or Andrew Stevenson is idioitic at best.

Play him every day he is healthy in CF. You want to see what Thomas can do? Sit someone else, like Soto or Hernandez. Thomas isnt going to sustain a .600+ BABIP. At best he's a reserve OFer or a light side platoon bat.

This team has to figure out if Robles can be an everyday player. The only way to do that is to actually let him play every day.

Except he isn't showing signs of getting better. His clock is also shorter. Sure, 2022 isn't going to be a contending season, but he is about to hit arbitration and he is just straight lost out there. His elite defense? 2019 he was outstanding. Now? He is average, literally just average. This is one terrible "down" year for him and a lot of things need to click for him to really be a piece. Granted there isn't anyone in the minors really pushing him off CF, and I fully think Lane Thomas or Donovan Casey are not everyday CF, but neither is Robles unless it all clicks. His baserunning, hitting, defense, baseball IQ just all sucking right now.