Author Topic: Define Natitude  (Read 127639 times)

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Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

  • Posts: 17733
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I like dropping $120 in fatty food and piss beer at ballgames.  I'm thin and I can afford it, and it's cheaper than a therapist.

Offline HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21659
crappy hot dogs (or chili halfsmokes) are part of baseball- absurd of you go to every game, but if you go to 10-15, it's part of the experience

Offline OldChelsea

  • Posts: 8160
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At Nats Park you can take food in with you. Not sure why anyone drops serious coin and time at a game to get crappy ballpark food.

I always eat before heading out to the ballpark (easy to do with my work hours and relatively close-in residence)...I buy a lot of beer of course but haven't had food at the ballpark in a couple of seasons. If I'm really feeling the munchies on my way to the ballpark I'll buy a packet or two of crisps or peanuts either from one of the Half streeet vendors or at the CVS outside the New Jersey avenue exit.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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I think the culinary apex came when they opened that porch area over the main entrance at could get Capitol Q smoked sausage, crabcakes, chili mac, or (a few feet inside) Red, Hot, and Blue. 

Offline MarquisDeSade

  • Posts: 15101
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I like dropping $120 in fatty food and piss beer at ballgames.  I'm thin and I can afford it, and it's cheaper than a therapist.

You also have the metabolism of a meth addicting.  I gain 10lbs just looking at the line at the crap Shack.

crappy hot dogs (or chili halfsmokes) are part of baseball- absurd of you go to every game, but if you go to 10-15, it's part of the experience

I've tried the halfsmoke twice and found it to be repulsive both times.  Now, if Ben's got that pink lemonade they have at their location in crackertown I'd be there every game.

Offline Ziggity

  • Posts: 8
peanuts and cracker jacks.  nuff said.

Offline Slateman

  • Posts: 63960
peanuts and cracker jacks.  nuff said.

Hot dog, cracker jacks, and beer.

Actually, the beer selection is pretty good at the park. Overpriced, to be sure, but good.

Offline hammondsnats

  • Posts: 37394
Yesterday they showed a pic of Ted and wife on the jumbotron and some people booed.  Also some guy yelled out spend money ya cheap b@**@*d.

Hope we can take 2 of 3 from rays.

Offline lastobjective

  • Posts: 4751
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At Nats Park you can take food in with you. Not sure why anyone drops serious coin and time at a game to get crappy ballpark food.

Absolutely. I understand getting ballpark food every once in a while, and for some a beer at the park is pretty much a ritual, but I'd rather bring my own sandwich, peanuts, and water bottle to the game. Great for your health, wallet, and hey, less trash.

I also hate standing in those lines, and last time I got something there was no more onions or ketchup. If I get ballpark food I want condiments on it, thanks.

Also I have never had a problem with kids at the park. At the Yankee's game on Friday I sat behind and beside two very young boys with their fathers. They were quiet, inquisitive, and seemed pretty interested in the game considering their ages. Neither of them needed endless bathroom breaks or concessions to keep them happy. I remember going to a few Expos games with my dad as a youngin' and wouldn't want to deprive that experience from any decent, well behaved kid, and even the not so well behaved.

Nats Park is pretty good in my opinion (good fans, nice view) when I don't eat ballpark food.

Offline Minty Fresh

  • Posts: 20386
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I like dropping $120 in fatty food and piss beer at ballgames.  I'm thin and I can afford it, and it's cheaper than a therapist.

Can you claim that in your health insurance deductible?

Offline MarquisDeSade

  • Posts: 15101
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Also I have never had a problem with kids at the park. At the Yankee's game on Friday I sat behind and beside two very young boys with their fathers. They were quiet, inquisitive, and seemed pretty interested in the game considering their ages. Neither of them needed endless bathroom breaks or concessions to keep them happy. I remember going to a few Expos games with my dad as a youngin' and wouldn't want to deprive that experience from any decent, well behaved kid, and even the not so well behaved.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Offline OldChelsea

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Yesterday they showed a pic of Ted and wife on the jumbotron and some people booed.  Also some guy yelled out spend money ya cheap b@**@*d.[...]

I remember that - it was during the birthday/recognition sequence they do every matchday (usually after the fourth inning, I think) and it was marking their 61st wedding anniversary.

Offline Baseball is Life

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While I agree with you for the most part, I do wonder what the utility is of a family of four coming to the game only to spend 3/4 of the time they're there getting up and down to shove more fat ass food down their gullets and to buy crap.  On the flipside, there was a gentleman and his son sitting in front of us yesterday that exemplified what bonding over baseball is about.  While the kid didn't seem all too interested (he may have been SN) it was nice to see a father and son taking in the game without it being some marathon of glutton and jumping in and out of seats. 

The Nats Fans Police laying down the law again.

Let people enjoy the game any damn way they want to. Yes, it's annoying if you have to stand up a few times, but it's no big deal. The whole food thing is part of the experience for kids.

Offline Baseball is Life

  • Posts: 20393
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I remember that - it was during the birthday/recognition sequence they do every matchday (usually after the fourth inning, I think) and it was marking their 61st wedding anniversary.

Oh, yes, Ted and Annette in their glory. "That Annette has the best plastic surgery I've seen in quite some time," I said a bit too loudly.

Wife must have have punched me about four or five times in the shoulder. It left a mark.

Offline Obed_Marsh

  • Posts: 7593
I don't care if people come and go between innings but sit your ass down when the ball is in play.

Offline PowerBoater69

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I don't care if people come and go between innings but sit your ass down when the ball is in play.

If I hit the 30 second skip on the DVR immediately following a play it usually queues up to the first pitch of the next at bat which is plenty of time to move in to or out of your seat if you hustle so waiting for the end of a half inning isn't even necessary.

Offline Slateman

  • Posts: 63960
I kind of like DVRing games. Three hour game? Psh, I can get through that in under two hours :lol:

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

  • Posts: 17733
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I cannot watch sports after the fact.  Real time (give or take a few seconds) or bust.  That's why I got literally no sleep for weeks during the 2002 World Cup in Japan & Korea and the Nagano, Sydney, and Beijing Olympics...but it was worth it (even though I started to hallucinate at work a few times).

Offline Minty Fresh

  • Posts: 20386
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Also I have never had a problem with kids at the park. At the Yankee's game on Friday I sat behind and beside two very young boys with their fathers. They were quiet, inquisitive, and seemed pretty interested in the game considering their ages. Neither of them needed endless bathroom breaks or concessions to keep them happy. I remember going to a few Expos games with my dad as a youngin' and wouldn't want to deprive that experience from any decent, well behaved kid, and even the not so well behaved.

I'm glad you didn't sit next to me and my younger son last year.  He'd have driven you nuts.  His ADD didn't allow him the patience for a big league ball game.

Offline Minty Fresh

  • Posts: 20386
  • BOOM!
I don't care if people come and go between innings but sit your ass down when the ball is in play.


Hockey courtesy FTW.

Offline Minty Fresh

  • Posts: 20386
  • BOOM!
I cannot watch sports after the fact.  Real time (give or take a few seconds) or bust.  That's why I got literally no sleep for weeks during the 2002 World Cup in Japan & Korea and the Nagano, Sydney, and Beijing Olympics...but it was worth it (even though I started to hallucinate at work a few times).


Offline OldChelsea

  • Posts: 8160
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Hockey courtesy FTW.

Verizon Centre courtesy generally - bad as it was during Caps matches, it's even worse for Wizards (with sizable groups waiting long periods of time to get sorted out).

Offline Slateman

  • Posts: 63960
People go to Wizards games still?

Offline mitlen

  • Posts: 66171
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I cannot watch sports after the fact. 

For me, the 1980 hockey game vs the USSR was a nag.    I did everything I could to avoid knowing the outcome before it was televised.

Offline Kevrock

  • Posts: 13788
  • That’s gonna be a no from me, doge.
People go to Wizards games still?

Sure, why not?