Author Topic: Let us know you are OK (or not) if you haven't posted in a while  (Read 30371 times)

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Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Thread title pretty much says it all.  If you are just browsing but used to post here a bit, then please just check in, just to let the WNFF crew know that the only reason you haven't been posting is because there's nothing to say.

If you prefer to post in uncensored, here's a link to a parallel thread.

Offline The Chief

  • Posts: 31811
I'm fine, just busy with life.

Offline skippy1999

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Thanks for doing this, JCA, I've been wondering about a few people too!

Offline OldChelsea

  • Posts: 8160
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Still alive and still in full STH status at the Nats but jonesin' something awful for baseball and travel.

Offline Mathguy

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A few people did make comments last fall that some responses were getting personal as if attacking other members was becoming a norm, so they were walking away from this.

Offline imref

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Spidernat, mitlen, var?  Any of you guys out there?

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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A few people did make comments last fall that some responses were getting personal as if attacking other members was becoming a norm, so they were walking away from this.
BiL especially.  I can check particular members last time on line even if they did not post, so I know one or two that have gone into silence since October but who browse by. 

I see VaRK occasionally is on but not posting, and Mitlen seemed OK about a month ago and is just taking some time before baseball restarts. 

Offline blue911

  • Posts: 18502
I touched base with Saltydad a couple of weeks ago. All was okay at that point

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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I touched base with Saltydad a couple of weeks ago. All was okay at that point

I was looking at the list of members with 20,000+ posts, trying to remember the stories. 

Sportsfan - stopped by after the WS, infrequent poster now
Spidernat - major mystery
Mitlen - posted in March when Spring Training was on, has been taking a break
Slateman - active
PC - mystery
PANatsFan - no longer active but stopped by after world series
Hammondsnats - posted recently
Lintyfresh85 - no longer frequent but posted into December
Tomterp - active
Imref - active
The Chief - says hi!
RobDibblesGhost - posted in mid-April
varoadking - browsing but not posting
nats2playoffs - posted recently
ronnynat - browsing but not posting
DPMOmaha - posted some in spring training
GburgNatsFan -active
Halfsmokes -active
Baseball is Life - here during playoffs but said would be less active
MintyFresh - ironic to have him and BiL so close

The 10-20,000 post range has more active members.  Mystery MIAs include PowerBoater69, Ali the Baseball Cat, welch (saw a post in the WaPo this offseason), and JMW IV (posted during the post-season celebrations). 

given the quantity of posts for a lot these folks, the silence is concerning, but beyond that, anyone who has been absent for a while, we'd like to hear you are OK.

I'm hoping ExposFan87 let's us know how his wife is coping with social distancing.

Offline aspenbubba

  • Posts: 5850
Where is DC fan. And when was BiL reinstated? I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.

Offline Five Banners

  • Posts: 2380
I think stunned silence after a non-nightmare of a season may account for some of it

Offline HondoKillebrew

  • Posts: 859
Where is DC fan. And when was BiL reinstated? I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.

Wow.  Glad you're recovering. 

Offline Mathguy

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Sorry to hear you acquired the COVID-19 virus, but glad to hear you're feeling better.

Where is DC fan. And when was BiL reinstated? I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.

Offline Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26729
Sorry to hear you acquired the COVID-19 virus, but glad to hear you're feeling better.
Ditto for me.

Offline imref

  • Posts: 44592
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Glad to hear that you are ok Aspen.

Offline rileyn

  • Posts: 4177
Wow Aspen.  Thanks for sharing and glad you are on the mend.

Offline captkirk42

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I am doing fine.

Long story short I have been working except for when I was on my two weeks vacation, which was scheduled before the whole pandemic struck. I  have been very thankful that I do have a regular paying job and have been able to pay the rent. Even though I just squeak by most months. During this crisis I am extra thankful I still have it. If I were to suddenly lose my job I don't know what I would do.  I have been at it for a long time so long my resume is probably obsolete.

Offline comish4lif

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Only ~2900 posts, but thanks for asking.

Hunky dory in Central CT. Family and Friends all safe so far.

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Where is DC fan. And when was BiL reinstated? I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.
Frightening but fantastic.  May the One who blessed our patriarchs and matriarchs bless you with a full healing and renewal of the spirit. 

DCfan stopped posting after a bit of a kerffuffle in late March or April.  He is healthy after some minimal symptoms and a negative flu test. 

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Only ~2900 posts, but thanks for asking.

Hunky dory in Central CT. Family and Friends all safe so far.
Good to hear from you and that you are doing well. 

By the way, this thread is for everybody.  I only noted the members who have a large number of posts because for many of them, not posting is a big break in their pattern.  For example, CALSGR8T posted in spring training and posts less frequently the past few seasons, so a month lull is a little less noticeable than 4 - 6 month absences. Still, just anyone who is just browsing and a member, please post here to let us know what is up.

Offline GburgNatsFan

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I chatted interacted with DCFan a week or so ago. He's fine, but concentrating on his move south.

Where is DC fan. And when was BiL reinstated? I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.

Offline aBaltoNat

  • Posts: 2023
I'm here and the wife and two little ones are OK currently. Been. But scary given I live across the county line from Westchester County.

Offline skippy1999

  • Posts: 19451
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Where is DC fan. And when was BiL reinstated? I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.
Wow, sooo glad to hear you came through all that!!!

Offline Tim Cullen

  • Posts: 248
Tim Cullen is doing okay in Arlington (at least I am fine but I'm not sure about the real Tim Cullen).
I went down to Nats Park on an early Saturday morning and did a lap. A few things I noticed:
-A large 2-sided video screen on the building at Half St and N across from the Centerfield Gate. Mostly it contained advertising but it did show current Metro train times.
-Lots of signage on lamp posts around the park.  The steps at the First Base gate have a lot of them leading up to the gate. 
-Half Street construction had slowed but it appears that they are building some kind of promenade down the center of it.  If this is the case the street vendors that have lined the street from the Metro stop to the CF gate may be gone.
-If you are looking for Curly W Pale All from Devil's Backbone you can find 12-packs at the Harris Teeter on 4th St SE.

Offline varoadking

  • Posts: 29948
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I survived Covid and viral pneumonia.i was intubated for 3 days and in ICU for 7 and another 8 days in isolation. I received first rate care at Hopkins Baltimore in ICU and isolation. I have been home 3 weeks and have received good news from my primary care Dr and pulmonologist with follow up appts. If anyone you know or unfortunately you contract C-19 I can only suggest that you choose your hospital wisely. I was lucky as the first hospital I went to was affiliated with Hopkins and they let my family know that they were transferring patients to Baltimore.

Very glad to see that you came thru that OK, Bubba...quite the ordeal...stay safe and well.  Is the move to Scottsdale still in the offing?

I'm here, well, and lurking from time to time...

Too bad that post-WS we don't have sports to focus on instead of this pandemic, and the human and economic tragedy that it has wrought...we certainly earned an extended celebration.  It's also too bad that we no longer seem to have a forum that is dedicated to baseball and other sports rather than to politics, as it seemingly pervades the more active threads.

I miss AtBC, though I see he did make one random post a month or so ago, so I assume he's OK.  I spoke to mitlen a few weeks ago...he is/was fine...and I miss him here too.  Aside from his great sense of humor, he is a very bright and reasoned person, and one that I consider a good friend.  Spider will show up eventually...hopefully.  He's like a bad penny...and I mean that in a good way... 

I wish every one of you and your families all the very best...and consider many of you my friends as well.  Thanks to the several of you that have reached out to me personally via PM to check up on me over the past month or so.  I was blessed to meet up with DC Patty, Mr. & Mrs. bluestreak, and Mr. and Mrs. NatsAllThe Way at the last ballgame in WPB...March 13th vs the Yankees.  It was sad for things to come to that abrupt ending.  I miss all y'all.  I guess that's likely why l continue to's hard to forget friends.  I hope to see everyone at the Park again someday soon...primarily because I think that you all owe me a beer...