Author Topic: Premature in season speculation about next year's roster  (Read 6232 times)

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Online Slateman

  • Posts: 63945
I would say 2025. Not hard to be noticeably better than a team that is historically bad. They need to find a veteran starter or two that can eat innings. That’s why I said before someone like Kyle Gibson. Probably buying a bit high on him but maybe two years total $20 million. Even if his ERA goes to 5 he will basically give you 5/6 innings. Much better than the ghost of Anibal Sanchez or the other options the team tried this year. And need a bigger bat for DH and /or LF.  Hit on Schwarber last year and failed on Cruz this year. If they don’t at least try and improve next year to where the team has an outside shot at .500 then the attendance will just plummet and that will carry into 2024.

So somewhat better 2023 and 2024 and maybe start to become a future contender in 2025.

By 2023, we're going to know if Gray, Cavalli, and Gore are a competitve rotation or not. Nothing else really matters because there is no way new ownership is going to sink the amount of money into pitching we would need if they arent.