Author Topic: Safety at Nationals Park  (Read 2539 times)

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Offline aspenbubba

  • Posts: 5758
Re: Safety at Nationals Park
« Reply #50: July 20, 2021, 12:16:02 PM »
I think that one of the major issues that has not been addressed is that all of us viewed Nats Park as a sanctuary from all that divides us. It is a place of peace the minute you gaze upon the green landscape when you enter.

I was pissed Saturday night because my daughter was there with her husband. It was the first time in eons that she has been to the park since a Yankees series years ago. My reaction was one of anger that this happened in my city and placing my daughter in harms way.

I am a city dweller and lived in SW when it was the first urban re-development in the country in the late '60's. I did attend Redskin games at RFK then also. And yes I got jumped in the parking lot at RFK but was not injured, like the guy who got knifed , presumbly by the same gang of punks that jumped me.