Author Topic: NCAA Basketball 2020-21  (Read 7159 times)

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Offline GburgNatsFan

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Re: NCAA Basketball 2020-21
« Reply #225: March 27, 2021, 05:35:24 PM »
How do you really feel? Don't hold back.  :hysterical:
Mark Turgeon put in 3 bench players up 8 at the under-16, gave up a 15-4 run, didn't call at TO, and killed his team's confidence, then after the game, laid 100% of the blame on the players, said no one should expect any more than this, and called it a "rebuilding year." (he has the #45 recruiting class in the nation, which is...generous considering his top recruit is the brother of a Brenda Frese recruit).

He's a POS guy who is a crappy coach who doesn't care at all about winning and only cares about making benjamins and keeping the money flowing. Just a bad guy who is fake midwestern nice and is a total fraud. He's the worst coach in the big ten by a mile and yet still plays victim, and the weak AF DC media lets it slide. freak Mark Turgeon. Guy doesn't recruit for 4 years in a row (and his #1 recruit is a player he paid for in Diamond Stone) and has the freaking gall to act like the roster being in shambles isn't his fault. He's one of the worst coaches in America and a bad guy. Aaron Wiggins is either transferring or going to the NBA (confirmed), Eric Ayala is likely gone, Morsell isn't coming back for him (Turgeon lied to him before this season), Donta Scott is 50/50 to return).

He's worse than Matt Williams and Manny Acta combined.