I joined back in March, but haven't spent much time here yet, and just noticed this Welcome forum. I mostly hang out at Natsfanatics Chatter board, and occasionally Dugout Chatter - this forum looks pretty interesting. I'm a diehard Nats Fan from Day 1, full season ticket holder from day 1, failed Racing President contestant and oldest person to try out (52) by about 12 years, and even though I won my heat against 3 guys half my age, didn't make the cut. Just as well - I get to see more of the action from my seats than I would have inside the Prez suit. I am enjoying this season just as much as the first two - I just love having a home team to root for, complain about, laugh about, and all that goes with it. Beats the heck out of trying to get into a team from the wrong league, with the wrong owner, and lose an entire day going to and from a ball game at. Go Nats!