Author Topic: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!  (Read 492218 times)

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #150 on: February 21, 2007, 03:24:43 pm »
I'm back after a long hiatus. Just finished school and back in the DC area...looking forward to the new season. First home weekend series falls on my birthday this year, so that's a great present!

Offline eckseid

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #151 on: February 22, 2007, 02:31:33 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm an 18 year old fan from Richmond, VA. I grew up here so naturally i was a fan of the braves farm team here. I actually use to follow the ATL Braves, but not that much. But since the Nats came to the D.C. area i've followed almost every single one of there games.

I think I can definitly be considered a Nats fan only because my first ever MLB game was an Orioles vs Nats game last season at the Orioles park. Was definitly an enjoyable experience and hopefully ill be able to make a game at the RFK stadium and hopefully even the new stadium next year.

Offline The Chief

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #152 on: February 22, 2007, 02:33:56 pm »
Hey guys,

I'm an 18 year old fan from Richmond, VA. I grew up here so naturally i was a fan of the braves farm team here. I actually use to follow the ATL Braves, but not that much. But since the Nats came to the D.C. area i've followed almost every single one of there games.

I think I can definitly be considered a Nats fan only because my first ever MLB game was an Orioles vs Nats game last season at the Orioles park. Was definitly an enjoyable experience and hopefully ill be able to make a game at the RFK stadium and hopefully even the new stadium next year.

Welcome and enjoy your stay.  Once the season gets going, we have a lot of fun with our gameday threads :D

Offline Natskins

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #153 on: March 01, 2007, 07:51:44 am »
I think I signed up here during the season last year...anyway, I'm a 31 (almost 32) year-old Washington DC native who grew up during the glory years of the Skins.

I won't lie, I did root for the O's growing up because it's all I had baseball-wise, but as soon as talk began about the Expos coming here I dropped the O's instantly and focused solely on our potential new team. Now I hate the O's and am a diehard Nats fan all the way.

Offline saltydad

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #154 on: March 29, 2007, 05:00:21 pm »
Hi All! Being 59 I can remember going to games at Griffith Stadium. To me, RFK is new :P  Can't wait for the season to start, altho as a DISH Network customer I won't be able to see the majority of the games (and I'm locked into DISH for another year, plus outside of no MASN I like it!). I had got all excited when DISH told me a few weeks ago that they are in negotiations, but then I saw the same thing in a posting from last year in this forum  :bang:
Guess this year will be a radio year.

Offline tomterp

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #155 on: March 29, 2007, 08:40:08 pm »
Hi All! Being 59 I can remember going to games at Griffith Stadium. To me, RFK is new :P  Can't wait for the season to start, altho as a DISH Network customer I won't be able to see the majority of the games (and I'm locked into DISH for another year, plus outside of no MASN I like it!). I had got all excited when DISH told me a few weeks ago that they are in negotiations, but then I saw the same thing in a posting from last year ijn this forum :arrow\ :bang:
Guess this year will be a radio year.

Welcome Saltydad!  It's great to no longer be the senior poster on the forum   :lol:

You're not the only one stuck with MASN'less Dish Network.  If I swapped out for Direct TV, my wife would immediately see through any false motives I could put forth, and I'm stretching the bounds of Nats fandom as it is, in her eyes.  Besides, putting Nats on TV everynight would be like putting a well stocked bar in an alcoholic's house, and I can only handle one out of control obsession at a time.

Look forward to your insights, and don't forget to stop by the game thread while games are in progress.  There are worse ways to spend an evening than listening to Charlie and Dave while venting with your fellow Nats fans here. 


Offline Senators2005

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #156 on: March 29, 2007, 10:43:08 pm »
Hi All! Being 59 I can remember going to games at Griffith Stadium. To me, RFK is new :P  Can't wait for the season to start, altho as a DISH Network customer I won't be able to see the majority of the games (and I'm locked into DISH for another year, plus outside of no MASN I like it!). I had got all excited when DISH told me a few weeks ago that they are in negotiations, but then I saw the same thing in a posting from last year in this forum  :bang:
Guess this year will be a radio year.
Welcome to the Forum saltydad - you might enjoy my Senators Nation blog - it's got stuff you might remember.  It's linked in my signature right below the faces of Josh Gibson and Eddie Yost.

Offline HATA

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #157 on: March 30, 2007, 12:04:45 am »
Hi everyone,

I'm Chris Hata, hence my screen name, and I've been a Nats fan ever since the Expos were announced to move to D.C.  I'm SOMEWHAT of a regular on the Nats message board on the main site (with the same screen name) but I'm sick of dealing with the trolls. 

I was born and raised in northern New Jersey, but I was raised to be a Redskins fan.  My parents both grew up in PG county and I still have a lot of family down there.  I love baseball but the football fan in me wouldn't allow me to root for a New York or Philadelphia team, so I just didn't follow baseball too much.  With the Nats in D.C. I finally got a team I could root for and claim as my own. 

Go Nats!

Offline Senators2005

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #158 on: March 30, 2007, 07:04:09 am »
Hi everyone,

I'm Chris Hata, hence my screen name, and I've been a Nats fan ever since the Expos were announced to move to D.C.  I'm SOMEWHAT of a regular on the Nats message board on the main site (with the same screen name) but I'm sick of dealing with the trolls. 

I was born and raised in northern New Jersey, but I was raised to be a Redskins fan.  My parents both grew up in PG county and I still have a lot of family down there.  I love baseball but the football fan in me wouldn't allow me to root for a New York or Philadelphia team, so I just didn't follow baseball too much.  With the Nats in D.C. I finally got a team I could root for and claim as my own. 

Go Nats!
Welcome HATA and hope you stick around and contribute to the site. 

Offline tomterp

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #159 on: March 30, 2007, 08:29:08 am »
I think I signed up here during the season last year...anyway, I'm a 31 (almost 32) year-old Washington DC native who grew up during the glory years of the Skins.

I won't lie, I did root for the O's growing up because it's all I had baseball-wise, but as soon as talk began about the Expos coming here I dropped the O's instantly and focused solely on our potential new team. Now I hate the O's and am a diehard Nats fan all the way.

Natskins, you made the right move.  I can't tell you how good it felt inside to have our own team, and complete my divorce from the Orioles.  Liberation!!!  Welcome to the forum, see you around.

Offline tomterp

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #160 on: March 30, 2007, 08:30:29 am »
Hi everyone,

I'm Chris Hata, hence my screen name, and I've been a Nats fan ever since the Expos were announced to move to D.C.  I'm SOMEWHAT of a regular on the Nats message board on the main site (with the same screen name) but I'm sick of dealing with the trolls. 

I was born and raised in northern New Jersey, but I was raised to be a Redskins fan.  My parents both grew up in PG county and I still have a lot of family down there.  I love baseball but the football fan in me wouldn't allow me to root for a New York or Philadelphia team, so I just didn't follow baseball too much.  With the Nats in D.C. I finally got a team I could root for and claim as my own. 

Go Nats!

Welcome to the "other" side, Hata!  You'll see some familiar faces over here.  Uh, er, familiar avatars?  Whatever, you know what I mean.  See you 'round!

Offline Kenz aFan

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #161 on: March 30, 2007, 11:50:12 am »
It's good to see that more and more Nats fans are switching to our side of "The Force".

While the Nats main site message board has it's good points, the forces from the Dark Side are hard at work over there, making even the most intelligent posters seem infantile and imbecilic. It's a good sign that as this Forum becomes better known, so many are choosing to follow the path of the illuminated side of the force... ;)

Offline PennSkinsFan

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #162 on: March 30, 2007, 10:14:11 pm »
Hey all, my Name is Mark, i live in south central Pennsylvania and plan to get down to some Nats game this summer.  Grew up an O's fan, became a Nats fan the day DC got the Nats!  As you can tell by the signature I am a huge DC Sports fan and love my Nats.  Peter Angelos blocking DC for years will never be forgiven!  Looking forward to chatting Nats with all of you here.  I am an original owner and partner in, the largest independent Redskins fan site on the web, we have a pretty huge forum there, it is five years old, so I know and understand the hard work that goes into these forums.   Right when i logged on and started reading the discussion and demeanor around here, I knew I found a Nats home on the web.  Soooooo, looking forward to discussing what will likely be a painful season.

Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #163 on: March 30, 2007, 11:31:00 pm »
Live in PA. Been an Expos fan since 1969 when I bought a pack of baseball cards and got Ron Brand and Ty Cline. Loved the hat/uniform Cline had on and fought of brainwashing from two brothers who were Giants fans. (Pretty tough to do when you're only 5)

Screen name, as many I have on other boards, is from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", one of my favorite movies.

Offline kimnat

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #164 on: March 31, 2007, 09:08:35 am »
Welcome everyone!  This is a really great forum!  We have some wonderful conversations, mostly about the Nats, but some other fun topics too.  Once in a while it can get heated.  But if it gets too crazy, Chief locks down the thread.  But that rarely happens.  The folks here are really great!  Welcome aboard and enjoy the season.

Offline rodlang

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #165 on: April 04, 2007, 08:17:14 am »
Top of the Morning to all, my name is Kelly.  Live in Springfield.  A Nats/Caps fan.  Looks like today's game might be a rainout, lets hope it washes away the bad karma so far.

Offline Senators2005

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #166 on: April 04, 2007, 08:20:16 am »
Welcome Rodlang as in Rod Langway right?  Great guy...great hockey player.  Anyways...I don't think today's game will be a rain out...I think the rain's all done for today.  But welcome to the forum!

Offline rodlang

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #167 on: April 04, 2007, 08:25:15 am »
Thanks...yep, its Rod Langway, the Secretary of Defense (which the Nats could use right now, LOL).

Offline Hondo

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #168 on: April 04, 2007, 06:42:19 pm »
Hello everyone!

Hondo is here!

I?m 25 and live in Northern Virginia.  Grew up an O's fan, but always hoped that DC would get their own team one day.  My father and grandfather were both Senator fans and there must be something in the blood because there is no doubt that I am a full fledged Nats fan!  I am also a diehard Skins fan and follow the Wizards. 

I have been on another board for the last couple of years, but for some reason it has fallen off big time.  I am so excited to see how active this board is and hope to be an equally active member.

Offline NatMan

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #169 on: April 05, 2007, 04:55:28 pm »
Welcome all NatMan is here............Formerly known as wolv8 in the Nat's website.  Wow I can't believe how long this forum has been around and I just happen to find it due to someone mentioning it on the other board.   This board looks awesome and can't wait to join in on discussing my favorite baseball team.  Thanks and heres to a great season.


Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #170 on: April 05, 2007, 11:51:53 pm »
Welcome Hondo and Natman.

Offline GburgNatsFan

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #171 on: April 07, 2007, 09:22:21 am »
Hey. I'm Kevin, and I live in Gaithersburg. I'm thrilled the Nats are on TV now, but after last night's debacle (4/7, D'backs game 2), I'm wondering if it was less painful just listening on the radio.

My boy started playing baseball as the Nats came to town, rekindling my interest in the game.

Anyway, I hope to make 10 or 12 games at RFK this year. Doing my part to keep attendance up!

Offline The Chief

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #172 on: April 07, 2007, 12:40:11 pm »
Hey. I'm Kevin, and I live in Gaithersburg. I'm thrilled the Nats are on TV now, but after last night's debacle (4/7, D'backs game 2), I'm wondering if it was less painful just listening on the radio.

My boy started playing baseball as the Nats came to town, rekindling my interest in the game.

Anyway, I hope to make 10 or 12 games at RFK this year. Doing my part to keep attendance up!

Welcome! :D

Offline saltydad

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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #173 on: April 08, 2007, 12:28:47 am »
Hey. I'm Kevin, and I live in Gaithersburg. I'm thrilled the Nats are on TV now, but after last night's debacle (4/7, D'backs game 2), I'm wondering if it was less painful just listening on the radio.

My boy started playing baseball as the Nats came to town, rekindling my interest in the game.

Anyway, I hope to make 10 or 12 games at RFK this year. Doing my part to keep attendance up!
Hi Kevin-
I listened to the previous game on the radio, and saw the 4/7 game on's painful both ways!
I used to coach my son in soccer and baseball, but then he broke my heart and dropped baseball for lacrosse. I used to be upset, until he was awarded a lacrosse scholarship for I'm smiling.



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Re: Welcome New Members, Introduce Yourself!
« Reply #174 on: April 10, 2007, 11:21:54 pm »
My name is Arch and I saw my first Nationals game in 1950 as a 12 yr. old at Griffith Stadium against the Yankes and Joe D., no less. Needless to say I saw my share of losses but I  felt really robbed when the old Senators went to Minnesota.  Never really embellished the new Senators, except for Hondo, of course and was not as upset when they went to Texas.  Never became an Orioles fan, although one of my best friends from high school, Mont, Blair, Steve Barber, became the Orioles first 20 game winner.  I was absolutely thrilled when the new Nationals arrived and went to a number of games the first two seasons. Have not been this year mainly because my old bones can't handle the cold and truthfully, I am not thrilled with the Kasten approach to this year's team. I know the game plan is to "grow" a team for the future, but fans are paying good money this year to see what?  This current team might have five major league calibre players, two of whom are definitely not, Ray King and Ronnie Belliard.  Neither could make any other team in the bigs, but that is the plan so the faithful will have to pay and wait.  I enjoy reading comments from young fans as it connects me with the past (my day) and the present (yours), and this is definitley a diverse group on this forum, which makes it very enjoyable.