Author Topic: Nationals vs Dodgers, Game 1  (Read 1246 times)

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Online Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26380
Trade Winker now while you can still get soemthing. 

Online imref

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In fair Dodger Stadium, where we lay our scene, the Washington Nationals and the Los Angeles Dodgers met upon the diamond for a contest of skill and wit. The afternoon sun cast its golden hue upon the field, as spectators gathered in anticipation of a battle to unfold.

The Nationals, proud and gallant in their red and white, took an early lead with swift strikes against their adversaries. Cheers erupted from the stands as they stole bases and rounded the field, their runners like swift-footed Mercury himself. But alas, fortune's wheel would turn.

Enter the Dodgers, in blue and white, with determined resolve in their eyes. Their pitcher hurled the ball with precision, striking out Nationals with cunning and speed. Yet the Nationals, in their zeal, sought more.

'Twas in the late innings when the tide began to shift. The Nationals, trailing by a mere run, saw their chance to turn the game. A runner, eager and ambitious, eyed second base as the ball soared into the outfield. The hit, a testament to skill, echoed through the stadium.

But tragedy struck in that moment of promise. The runner, perhaps blinded by glory, charged forth with abandon. The ball, retrieved swiftly by Dodgers' hands, flew like an arrow to the awaiting infield. The Nationals, caught in the folly of their haste, saw victory slip through their grasp.

The Dodgers, seizing the opportunity gifted by the Nationals' misstep, executed a flawless relay. The runner, trapped in the no-man's land between bases, faced a gauntlet of gloves and determination. Alas, the final tag fell like the curtain on a tragic play.

The stadium fell silent, save for the jubilant cries of Dodgers fans. The Nationals, dejected and rueful, knew the game was lost not to a lack of skill, but to a costly error of judgment.

And so, in fair Dodger Stadium, the tale was writ upon the scorecard. The Nationals, once heroes of the diamond, were humbled by the Dodgers' cunning play. The echoes of that fateful base running blunder lingered in the air, a cautionary tale for future.

Offline nats2playoffs

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Online Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26380
Pitch one to Winker was a ball. The last pitch should have left the park. Baserunning killedeth us.
To be faireth pitch two hit the corner of the zone and was called a ball. My kingdom for a baserunning coach. 

Online NatNasty

  • Posts: 8734
Nice job on the thread N2P :clap:

Offline nats2playoffs

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Offline English Natsie

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  • It's baseball, Jim, but not as we know it...
If that happens WNFF will shift from hey we can get a wild card spot to this is the worst team ever assembled.

This is the worst team ever assembled... :D   ;)

Offline English Natsie

  • Posts: 509
  • It's baseball, Jim, but not as we know it...
'Tell me, Sirrah - why do you call her ''The Shrew''?..'
'It's because she's got a long pointed nose and little whiskers...'   ;)

Great job on the thread - although the pedant in me can't help but wonder if the Artful Dodger might just have been Dickens... ;)

Online Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26380
This is the worst team ever assembled... :D   ;)
On cue. Be ready to reverse course if we win today.

Offline nats2playoffs

  • Posts: 23905
Nice job on the thread N2P :clap:
Most Replies since Opening Day.
Corbin gave up zero runs.
 :clap: :cheers:

Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Most Replies since Opening Day.
Corbin gave up zero runs.
 :clap: :cheers:
thanks to the thread theme. Thank you for setting it up. Nice to have the number of replies.

Onto Game 2! Let's go, Irvin!