Author Topic: Washington Commanders - get used to it (2023)  (Read 12574 times)

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Offline KnorrForYourMoney

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I figure you could "tailgate" on the train while you're headed out to the game, as they seem to be doing very little enforcement these days. Maybe Metro could even get in on the action and convert a few Silver Line cars to bar cars.

And if they ramp up enforcement, the right kind of bag/container can be an equalizer.

Offline GburgNatsFan

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Snyder's trademark application for Washington Commanders fails.

Offline imref

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Snyder's trademark application for Washington Commanders fails.


Offline Five Banners

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Snyder's trademark application for Washington Commanders fails.


Offline HalfSmokes

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Does that mean we aren’t stuck with this stupid name?

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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maybe the thread should be - Get used to it (or not?)  chief doesn't like changing long-established titles.

Offline GburgNatsFan

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Does that mean we aren’t stuck with this stupid name?
:judge: :woop:

Offline imref

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what likely happens is they cut a check to the squatter to get the rights from him, and argue in administrative court that there won't be any market confusion between the Washington Commanders and the Commanders Classic Army-Air Force football game. The guy who registered "Washington Space Commanders" and "Washington Wolf Commanders" has already said he'll cede the trademark to the team for free.

Offline GburgNatsFan

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what likely happens is they cut a check to the squatter to get the rights from him, and argue in administrative court that there won't be any market confusion between the Washington Commanders and the Commanders Classic Army-Air Force football game. The guy who registered "Washington Space Commanders" and "Washington Wolf Commanders" has already said he'll cede the trademark to the team for free.

Or, the new owners use it as an excuse to rebrand the team and burn the memory of Dan Snyder's arrogance and incompetence out of everyone's mind.  :cheers:

Offline HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21678
what likely happens is they cut a check to the squatter to get the rights from him, and argue in administrative court that there won't be any market confusion between the Washington Commanders and the Commanders Classic Army-Air Force football game. The guy who registered "Washington Space Commanders" and "Washington Wolf Commanders" has already said he'll cede the trademark to the team for free.

Read the decision, it's entirely predicated on the commanders classic. There is also the commanders cup. Both cover the same use classes. They're also required to disclaim the word Washington. I don't see how they win this or even what a win looks like if they don't have exclusive use of the term commanders for football merchandise. Even if they do get the mark, every youth club in America that has been using the name commanders still has prior rights to the name (registration does not trump use in trademarks) and could sell or license commanders merchandise at will. They could even sue the Washington commanders for doing the same in their area.

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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I suggest the use one of those password services and generate a term like "%5xFNp^&v!1" so they can be sure they have a unique name.  going with something unpronounceable did wonders for Prince's marketing.  It'd even let old timers call them "The Team Formerly Known as the Redskins" (TTHKatR).

Offline 1995hoo

  • Posts: 1086
I suggest the use one of those password services and generate a term like "%5xFNp^&v!1" so they can be sure they have a unique name.  going with something unpronounceable did wonders for Prince's marketing.  It'd even let old timers call them "The Team Formerly Known as the Redskins" (TTHKatR).

I prefer "Organization Formerly Known as Redskins" because you can pronounce that as a word: "OFKAR."

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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I prefer "Organization Formerly Known as Redskins" because you can pronounce that as a word: "OFKAR."
"Formerly Universally Known as..."?

Offline KnorrForYourMoney

  • Posts: 16289
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Snyder's trademark application for Washington Commanders fails.

I hope whichever lawyer/clerk/judge was responsible for this was a fan of the team.  Total hero.

Now if they'd just change it to the Redwolves or Redtails :pray: (not getting my hopes up, but a guy can dream)

Also, to think, one of their arguments against choosing one of many far superior names was, "ThOsE nAmEs HaVe TrAdEmArK iSsUeS!"  :roll: :roll:

Offline GburgNatsFan

  • Posts: 22342
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Yeah. The depth and breadth of Snyder's incompetence is breathtaking.

I hope whichever lawyer/clerk/judge was responsible for this was a fan of the team.  Total hero.

Now if they'd just change it to the Redwolves or Redtails :pray: (not getting my hopes up, but a guy can dream)

Also, to think, one of their arguments against choosing one of many far superior names was, "ThOsE nAmEs HaVe TrAdEmArK iSsUeS!"  :roll: :roll:

Offline welch

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It looks like Harris does not have enough cash to finish the deal, unless the NFL changes its rules for buying a team. Of course, Snyder put his sale into a pickle barrel when he refused to allow Jeff Bezos to bid.

The Snyder Crime Family is so evil that I would not be surprised if Snyder holds onto the team. Or even if he hopes that the American sports world will forget in a year or two. Of course, he could take the $6 billion and buy a controlling interest in an English football club.

Offline welch

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Son just texted that Josh Harris has bought a share of Joe Gibbs Racing, maybe making Gibbs part owner of the 76ers and Devils. Might Gibbs become part of the ownership group of the Redskins/Commanders?

A snippet from The Athletic:

The connection between NFL Hall of Fame coach Joe Gibbs and Josh Harris, the businessman who is poised to buy Gibbs’ former NFL franchise, is getting closer.

The ownership group led by billionaires Harris and David Blitzer — Harris Blitzer Sports and Entertainment (HBSE) — is making a substantial financial investment in Gibbs’ NASCAR conglomerate, Joe Gibbs Racing (JGR), according to sources briefed on the matter who were not authorized to speak publicly about the pending transaction.

Harris and Gibbs have grown closer in the last couple of years, with Gibbs providing counsel to Harris as he began the pursuit of buying the Commanders from current owner Dan Snyder. When Snyder announced a tentative agreement with Harris in May to sell the Commanders to Harris and his group for a little more than $6 billion, Gibbs sent out a statement in support of the incoming owner.

In addition, Gibbs will become a limited partner in HBSE, pending approval by the NBA and NHL.

Offline imref

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Offline 1995hoo

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Seen on Twitter:

Offline welch

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Sale approved unanimously by the NFL owners. Tomorrow or so little danny signs the papers. Time for a parade!

Offline imref

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Per Grant Paulson, Josh Harris arranged to buy everyone's beer the celebration parties at both The Bullpen and the Old Ox tonight.

Offline Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26729
Per Grant Paulson, Josh Harris arranged to buy everyone's beer the celebration parties at both The Bullpen and the Old Ox tonight.
Will be the first and last free thing you get from him. LOL.  Satan would look good in comparison to Danny. I see he had to pay the NFL $60 million for hiding revenue. At least he was consistent in his behavior.

Offline imref

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One beer or seltzer

Offline welch

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Investigation finds Commanders hid revenue, Snyder harassed team employee
By Mark Maske and Nicki Jhabvala

BLOOMINGTON, Minn. — Outgoing Washington Commanders owner Daniel Snyder will pay the NFL $60 million as part of the closing of the sale of his franchise after a league investigation, conducted by attorney Mary Jo White, concluded that the team withheld revenue it should have shared with other franchises and that Snyder sexually harassed a former team employee.

White also found that the Commanders failed to cooperate with her investigation. Snyder agreed to be interviewed last month for the investigation but limited that interview to one hour, according to White’s findings that are detailed in a 22-page document.

“I think that the findings speak for themselves,” NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said at a news conference. “We had an obligation to release those publicly. We did. We shared those with the ownership today [and] had a full discussion of that. The findings do speak for themselves. In both cases, particularly with Ms. Johnston, that’s inappropriate. It’s wrong. It doesn’t match our values. … Her findings were clear.”

Post article links to the PDF of the White report.

Offline imref

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Lots of chatter that Harris wants to rename the team to start fresh. Magic Johnson said yesterday that a rename is on the table.