Leonsis would extend Soto and the do the bare minimum to look like he was trying to win.
And given what the Nats ownership has done since last year, I would take this! You can build around a multi-generational talent like Soto. The trick is to get him (and Boras) to sign, and in that regard, you need to look like you are trying to win.
I normally would have accepted the current rebuilding phase, but to do that and also have the nerve to jack up prices 20% is just unacceptable. I still can't wrap my head around their thinking on the price hike. I'm sure the idea of selling the team didn't just come to them in the last few weeks, so they must have made a calculated decision on raising prices that much. But how does that help the value of the team? I don't have any numbers, but I have to believe that their season ticket holders are way down this year.