
Would You Throw Back Barry Bonds Historic Homerun Ball?


Author Topic: Would You Throw Back Barry Bonds Historic Homerun Ball?  (Read 6960 times)

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Lets say you were in the stands when Bonds breaks Hank Aaron's record.  The ball goes up in the air, over the fence, and into your lap.  Would you throw it back?  On one hand you can make a lot of money.  On the other, you can become a baseball legend being known as the guy/gal that threw the historic shot back.


Offline The Chief

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Frankly I don't think the possibility to do so even exists.  There will be such a ridiculous mob trying to get that ball that it will be a miracle if several people don't get hurt or even killed.  I'm sure if by some miracle one person got a hold of it and tried to throw it back, the mob would beat it out of their hands :roll:

Offline kimnat

  • Posts: 7172
Damn straight I would!  Actually, I'd throw it AT Bonds!

Offline nats2playoffs

  • Posts: 23905
I would happily toss the ball down to Bonds as he returns to take the field... But the ball would now look like this:

I would then ask the reporters if I could get Hank Aaron's autograph.

Offline tomterp

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No, I'd sell it to pay for my kids' college education. 

My morals just wouldn't let me use any sort of money I would get for the ball for any reason knowing that the way I got that money was off the man who disrespected and humilated what I call "my father's game."  My father loves the sport of baseball and I could never look him in the eye if I didn't throw the damned thing back.

Offline tomterp

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My morals just wouldn't let me use any sort of money I would get for the ball for any reason knowing that the way I got that money was off the man who disrespected and humilated what I call "my father's game."  My father loves the sport of baseball and I could never look him in the eye if I didn't throw the damned thing back.

I understand where you're coming from, but once you're in the position of providing for the financial future of your family, and have the chance to make a huge step forward completely legally, aren't you really making the wrong sacrifice to just say no to the proceeds from the sale of the ball? 

It will be interesting to see what really does happen.  It is widely speculated that Bonds can pace his HR rate so that he gets the big one in San Fran.  If so, there's almost no chance it's coming back out of the stands.

Of course, I would root for someone to throw it back, for all the reasons stated above, and since it would't be $ coming out of my pocket anyway, LOL.

Offline NatsAddict

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I think you could do pretty well auctioning off the rights to creatively destroy the ball.

Offline 2k6nats

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No, I'd sell it to pay for my kids' college education. 


There is a point where "morals" stop and reality starts.  That ball is worth tens (hundreds?) of thousands of dollars.  Then again, I wouldn't have the courage to try catching that ball :?

Offline nats2playoffs

  • Posts: 23905
The ball might mean the most to Bonds himself.  So I'd offer to sell it to him for $2 million, since I'd know I was taking that much out of his pocket.  Otherwise, I'd ensure that it was never put on display anywhere.  The Creative Destruction Auction is a good idea.  Turn it into a televised event, with Hank Aaron tossing the remains of the destroyed ball into the Atlantic Ocean, along with some steroids.  (Then make a horror film about steroid-mutated sea life that appears in San Francisco to wreak havoc on the stadium.)

Offline Kenz aFan

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I voted no, because throwing it back would benefit no one except Barry Bonds. He's being paid too much to cheat already. I would keep the ball and give it to a children's charity and let them profit from the sale or do with as they pleased.

I understand where you're coming from, but once you're in the position of providing for the financial future of your family, and have the chance to make a huge step forward completely legally, aren't you really making the wrong sacrifice to just say no to the proceeds from the sale of the ball? 

It will be interesting to see what really does happen.  It is widely speculated that Bonds can pace his HR rate so that he gets the big one in San Fran.  If so, there's almost no chance it's coming back out of the stands.

Of course, I would root for someone to throw it back, for all the reasons stated above, and since it would't be $ coming out of my pocket anyway, LOL.

Getting money for that ball is like buying conflict diamonds to me.  Or buying clothes made with the blood and sweat of innocent sweatshop children.  Or buying ivory illegally obtained from black market poachers.  Take your pick.

I love my family and I already have had this discussion with my wife.  She would throw it back too. ;)

Offline Dave B

  • Posts: 6033
I would sell it.

Baseball lost its integrity long ago, so I might as well lose mine.  Its dudes running around on the field for my entertainment. Nothing more.

I sit in 464 and believe that nobody over 10 should bring gloves to a game.  However, if bonds is threatening the record, I will be bringing my glove.  Maybe even rapelling gear in case the ball doesnt reach.  Or at least a fishing net

Offline Senators2005

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Throwing it back would be more stupid than rooting for him.   :icon_mrgreen:

Offline Dave B

  • Posts: 6033
Throwing it back would be more stupid than rooting for him.   :icon_mrgreen:

i'm rooting for him...to hit it to me

Offline mikehughes

  • Posts: 1375
I would keep it than go and sell it for millions, you know the hall of fame be after that 1, hell they may even set people up in the crowd hoping to get it

Offline tomterp

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From today's Post, collected from wire services:

Fan Who Sold Historic Ball Has No Regrets
Sunday, July 8, 2007; Page E07

Catching Mark McGwire's 70th home run ball made Phil Ozersky a rich man. His advice to the lucky fan who snares Barry Bonds's 756th: Take the money.

"Do what's right for you," Ozersky said yesterday while taking in Bonds's chase for Hank Aaron's home run record from the Busch Stadium press box. "But I definitely am happy with what I did.
"I benefited financially, but a lot of other people benefited, too."

A lot has changed for Ozersky since he cashed in on a lucky bounce that left the prize ball in his grasp on the final day of the 1998 season. Comic book auteur Todd McFarlane paid $3 million for the ball and Ozersky, then a 26-year-old genetic researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, took home $2.7 million after paying a $300,000 auction commission.

Ozersky is married now with two daughters, ages 4 and 2. He has traveled the world and moved into a larger house in the St. Louis suburbs.

But he is still working the same job at the school and married the woman who accompanied him to the fateful game at old Busch Stadium. Rather than pocket all of the money, he has spread the wealth, donating $250,000 to charities including the Cardinals' own Cardinal Care.

"I think I've done a pretty good job of keeping grounded and not changing life too much of how I expected it to play out," Ozersky said.

Good for Phil.

You know, it reminds me of all the conflict diamonds I deal in and that have made me rich.  At first, I feel slightly guilty at the blood that was shed for them and the country and its people raped for them but then I strip naked and rub them all over my naked body and I feel better about it.

I also have like four of those ribbon magnets on the back of my soccer mom.


  • Guest
If you're mutating sea life near SFO it would be the Pacific Ocean. Good idea, though!

The ball might mean the most to Bonds himself.  So I'd offer to sell it to him for $2 million, since I'd know I was taking that much out of his pocket.  Otherwise, I'd ensure that it was never put on display anywhere.  The Creative Destruction Auction is a good idea.  Turn it into a televised event, with Hank Aaron tossing the remains of the destroyed ball into the Atlantic Ocean, along with some steroids.  (Then make a horror film about steroid-mutated sea life that appears in San Francisco to wreak havoc on the stadium.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Offline JMW IV

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Pfft to all these high and mighty types with all the morality posturing because they know that there is no chance of them catching that ball anyway. I would sell it immediately and buy a house with the money. And i would not feel the least bit guilty.

Offline JMW IV

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And LOL at comparing a baseball to a conflict diamond.

Pfft to all these high and mighty types with all the morality posturing because they know that there is no chance of them catching that ball anyway. I would sell it immediately and buy a house with the money. And i would not feel the least bit guilty.

And pfft to all the greedy, selfish, swine who would do anything for a buck who go into self pity because they know they won't be getting their hands on all those "millions."  I would throw it back immediately and enter into Baseball Immortality, something money could not buy.

Offline JMW IV

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What self pity? Lol!

Offline JMW IV

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Greedy selfish swine who would do anything for a buck? Sorry i didnt know that selling a piece of sports history was on the same level as selling drugs, raping women and murdering in cold blood. None of which i would ever do.  I am really starting to wonder about the depths of your hate for barry bonds

Greedy selfish swine who would do anything for a buck? Sorry i didnt know that selling a piece of sports history was on the same level as selling drugs, raping women and murdering in cold blood. None of which i would ever do.  I am really starting to wonder about the depths of your hate for barry bonds

High and mighty types with all the morality posturing because they know that there is no chance of them catching that ball?  Sorry, I didn't know trying to protect the integrity of the game and trying to keep the game clean and from honoring and rewarding its mistakes was so frowned upon.  Please forgive me for having morale values.  I am really starting to wonder about the depths of your hate for Sportsfan.