Author Topic: Dibble apologizes  (Read 15577 times)

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Offline JMW IV

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #175: September 01, 2010, 12:27:44 AM »
Rob Dibble is what happens when you give a random message board poster a short MLB career, and then stick him in the booth as an analyst.

he brings nothing to a broadcast that any random person couldn't.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #176: September 01, 2010, 12:06:57 PM »
well, there is that ring...

Rob Dibble is what happens when you give a random message board poster a short MLB career, and then stick him in the booth as an analyst.

he brings nothing to a broadcast that any random person couldn't.

Offline mitlen

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #177: September 01, 2010, 12:20:58 PM »

Offline cmdterps44

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #178: September 01, 2010, 12:31:54 PM »
Rob Dibble is what happens when you give a random message board poster a short MLB career, and then stick him in the booth as an analyst.

he brings nothing to a broadcast that any random person couldn't.

Not everyone is funny. Plus, not everyone can make Bob Carpenter as enjoyable as he has been with Rob. Their personalities play off eachother well.

Offline mitlen

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #179: September 01, 2010, 12:41:24 PM »
Not everyone is funny. Plus, not everyone can make Bob Carpenter as enjoyable as he has been with Rob. Their personalities play off eachother well.

... kind of like teacher's pet and the bad kid.

Offline Lintyfresh85

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #180: September 01, 2010, 01:02:25 PM »
I do find Carpenter lets loose, and enjoys the game more with Dibble there than he does with a replacement.

Offline spidernat

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #181: September 01, 2010, 01:18:39 PM »
I do find Carpenter lets loose, and enjoys the game more with Dibble there than he does with a replacement.

I agree with this.

Offline blue911

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #182: September 01, 2010, 01:34:34 PM »
So why doesn't he quit pouting and get back to work?

Offline 2IPAs

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #183: September 01, 2010, 02:28:40 PM »
It's the first of the month now. Baby needs new shoes...

Offline imref

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Re: Dibble apologizes
« Reply #184: September 02, 2010, 10:54:04 PM »
Dibble on Morgan and the brawl:

Early Wednesday evening, the Nats announced that they were cutting ties with Rob Dibble. Later Wednesday night, the Nats and Nyjer Morgan engaged in that benches-clearing, clothes-line filled, ripped-uniform brawl, in which giant blobs of testosterone came flying out of your television set and sat there oozing all over your floor.

And this, believe it or not, made some of the most persistent Dibble critics a bit wistful.

"God help me, but I have to admit this is the one game where Rob Dibble would have been entertaining," longtime Dibble critic Thom Loverro wrote.

"Am I the only one who wants to know how Rob Dibble would have called the Nats' bench clearing brawl last night?" asked Sports Business Journal's John Ourand, another Dibble critic.

Well then. I promise I won't bombard you with Rob Dibble's take on all things baseball for the rest of your life, but since there appears to be some interest, Dibble did address the brawl at great length on his SIRIUS XM program Thursday morning. And God help me, he made a bit of sense.
"You get hit the first time, that should take care of it," Dibble said. "Don't hit our catcher any more, don't do that kind of stuff. But then the second time, ok, that's a little overkill. The one thing I respect about Nyjer, he's an ex-hockey player, he plays the game with a lot of emotion, a lot of feeling. And you know what, he gave away a foot in that fight. And if you think the guy's intentionally trying to hurt you or throw at you, you've got to do something....

"How are you upset that the other guy's stealing when he's down 11 runs? You should be thankful, saying listen, he's really rolling the dice. If he gets thrown out, he's gonna be in big trouble by his team and his manager....

"The fight is a scary moment, when anybody fights, whether or not you're giving away a foot. Take it from me, it's no fun to be at the bottom of the pile. These guys are too talented, and we're having too much fun watching these men play for somebody to go out there and get hurt....

"Remember, his mentality is aggressiveness all the time. He played many years of junior hockey. This doesn't excuse some of the things he's done, especially the shot he took at the Cardinals' catcher. It was uncalled for to run over the catcher. But that being said, the first pitch in the back with a 92 mile-an-hour fastball should be like listen, quit playing out of control, get yourself under control and let's play some baseball. But the second one, you have to defend yourself. And I've had guys charge at me, and I've said this after the fight, I would say 'Listen, if you felt that I was throwing at you and it was intentional, you have every right to defend yourself.'

"And a lot of guys are too open with the comments after the game - we didn't like him stealing second and third. You're up 14-3. It's not smart baseball, [stealing bases] when you're down 11 runs. That was Nyjer's problem. It's not the Marlins' problem....

"People are gonna remark about him going off the field. Now remember, all the years he played hockey and all the years he played junior hockey at the highest levels. What do hockey players do after they fight? They walk off like a gladiator, like yeah, that's right, that was a good one, that was fun, you knew I was here. So he was giving away a foot to Volstad, and say what you want to say, that's a guy that's about 5-7, probably 150, 160 pounds, and he plays with a lot of heart. So yeah, you don't like the way he plays, fine, you hit him the first time. But the second time, he thought he had to take care of some business."

Dibble also had Cal Ripken on his program, and the brawl came up yet again.

"The first time up he got hit intentionally for running over the catcher, and so then he was pissed and so he decided I'm gonna make you pay for it, steal second and steal third, and so then there's more ramifications," Ripken said. "And that just led to the fight afterwards. You can see how easy that stuff kind of gets out of control. If I got thrown at intentionally, I knew I got thrown at intentionally, I didn't want somebody to take things in their own hands. I'd figure out how to try to get that back myself."

Which sort of sounds like a defense of Morgan.