Author Topic: Microsoft thread  (Read 65301 times)

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Offline The Chief

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #625: June 01, 2012, 09:08:59 AM »
I agree, I've always liked Aero.  I hope they don't go too nuts trying to change it.  Of course this will probably just add yet another layer of "old things that don't match new things" to Windows.

Offline The Chief

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #626: June 01, 2012, 09:58:45 AM »
Downloaded it and installed it (in a virtual machine)

It's further along visually than it was in the Consumer Preview.  They're getting rid of Aero glass, as Paul Thurrott griped about, but not until RTM so it's still in the RP.  It's less Aeroy though, in this version.  Much less than in 7.  In 7, Aero was right up in your grill, all the time.  It's much "flatter" in the RP.

Solitaire is gone or not available yet in this version.  That matters to me because Solitaire is the Metro app I used (though I'm using Metro IE to write this post).  Speaking of Metro IE, flash is now included/supported which wasn't the case in the CP.

Functionally, I don't know what's different because I haven't used it enough yet but it seems a bit snappier now.  Starting a desktop app from the Start Screen seems a lot faster when it transitions to the desktop than it was in either the DP or the CP.  And remember, I'm running it from a virtual machine and it still seems faster.  I'm about to install it natively and see what that's like.

Did they improve the behavior of start search?  in the Consumer preview, it grouped results by 3 different categories, but only showed programs ("apps") by default, which often necessitated extra clicks to get the result you wanted in the case of settings or files.  A clear step back from Windows 7, where all groups were shown together (but clearly demarcated)

Offline PC

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #627: June 02, 2012, 04:07:50 PM »
Did they improve the behavior of start search?  in the Consumer preview, it grouped results by 3 different categories, but only showed programs ("apps") by default, which often necessitated extra clicks to get the result you wanted in the case of settings or files.  A clear step back from Windows 7, where all groups were shown together (but clearly demarcated)

I believe that's the same though I had never noticed it because I don't often search for things other than files and I use Windows Explorer for that, which still works as it always has.

Offline Obed_Marsh

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #628: June 07, 2012, 12:19:27 PM »
Microsoft going to war with VMWare. At one third the price and these technical specs they are really going all out.

Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #631: June 17, 2012, 02:33:22 PM »

Offline PC

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Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #633: June 18, 2012, 08:06:16 PM »
It actually sounds like it might be pretty good.

Online HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21666
Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #634: June 18, 2012, 08:07:17 PM »
The lack of price and release date is sad- anyone wanna bet if knockoff keyboard covers for other tablets hit the market before this? The thing looks absurd- if I was in the market for a high end tablet, I'd take this over an iPad in a heartbeat

Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #635: June 18, 2012, 08:11:26 PM »
The lack of price and release date is sad- anyone wanna bet if knockoff keyboard covers for other tablets hit the market before this? The thing looks absurd- if I was in the market for a high end tablet, I'd take this over an iPad in a heartbeat

I've seen similar covers for the iPad since it came out.  But the surface is designed with it in mind.  I wonder how "windowsy" it actually is.

Offline PC

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #636: June 18, 2012, 10:51:08 PM »

Offline MarquisDeSade

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #637: June 19, 2012, 09:36:04 AM »

Online HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21666
Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #638: June 20, 2012, 01:18:04 PM »

so those pretty Lumina 900s, released less than a month ago, will still be getting new apps, right? Android and apple screw existing customers with release cycles, but this may be a new low

Offline Slateman

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #639: June 20, 2012, 01:35:04 PM »
The lack of price and release date is sad- anyone wanna bet if knockoff keyboard covers for other tablets hit the market before this? The thing looks absurd- if I was in the market for a high end tablet, I'd take this over an iPad in a heartbeat

This is what Andriod/iPad fanboys do not get. They think the biggest thing about this is the keyboard. It's not.

It's that it's running Windows 8. The full version. So all the software you have on your current computer is going to work with this. Fully synch ability. All the benefits of having a netbook/laptop in a nice tablet

Offline PC

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #640: June 20, 2012, 01:37:33 PM »

so those pretty Lumina 900s, released less than a month ago, will still be getting new apps, right? Android and apple screw existing customers with release cycles, but this may be a new low

Not a screwjob at all.  While Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 might LOOK the same, they are very different as far as the software is concerned.  Windows Phone 8, from my understanding, shares it's codebase with Windows 8.  Windows Phone 7 does not.

Also, I believe, there are different hardware requirements so trying to retrofit Windows Phone 8 software on Windows Phone 7 devices, even if it could be done, would not produce a very good user experience.

Online HalfSmokes

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #641: June 20, 2012, 01:42:33 PM »
Not a screwjob at all.  While Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 might LOOK the same, they are very different as far as the software is concerned.  Windows Phone 8, from my understanding, shares it's codebase with Windows 8.  Windows Phone 7 does not.

Also, I believe, there are hardware requirements so trying to retrofit Windows Phone 8 software on Windows Phone 7 devices, even if it could be done, would not produce a very good user experience.

If I bought a top of the line nexus (which, considering microsoft's involvement, the luminia 900 was) or iphone, and less than two months after release , Apple or google told me that not only was my phone not upgradeable (again a flagship phone with an initial release less than two months ago), but also, because they changed the codebase, apps released for WP8 wont be comparable and the number apps for wp7 is likely as high as it will every be (ie pathetic compared to android and ios), I'd be pissed

Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #642: June 20, 2012, 04:24:51 PM »
This is what Andriod/iPad fanboys do not get. They think the biggest thing about this is the keyboard. It's not.

It's that it's running Windows 8. The full version. So all the software you have on your current computer is going to work with this. Fully synch ability. All the benefits of having a netbook/laptop in a nice tablet

The "regular" version has an ARM chip, not an x86 chip.  "All the software on your current computer" is not going to run on it unless ported to ARM.  The "Pro" version with the i5 is supposed to be priced in the ultrabook range (~$1200+), which is a good deal more than any iPad or Android tablet.  At that price, I'd rather have the full laptop really.

so those pretty Lumina 900s, released less than a month ago, will still be getting new apps, right? Android and apple screw existing customers with release cycles, but this may be a new low

"Android" has nothing to do with release cycles.  Google can release updates but the manufacturers/carriers are the ones that make the decision on whether or not they're going to puch it out.  That's why I went with a "google" phone, the Galaxy Nexus, hopefully that will be supported for longer being a dev phone.

Online HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21666
Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #643: June 20, 2012, 04:33:09 PM »
At that price, I'd rather have the full laptop really.

for me that would depend on the keyboard, if it's rigid enough to support the tablet (which is doubtful) to actually use as a "lap" top then I'd prefer the tablet, if not, it looses a lot of functionality to me since you still need a desk or table

"Android" has nothing to do with release cycles.  Google can release updates but the manufacturers/carriers are the ones that make the decision on whether or not they're going to puch it out.

which matters to a buyer because? If you know enough you either buy a nexus or root your device, but if not then you're probably pissed when your brand new phone isn't getting updates, and may or may not distinguish between google your OEM and your carrier

Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #644: June 20, 2012, 04:45:28 PM »
Because being mad at google for not providing updates is a falsehood.  If you're going to be pissed, be pissed at the carriers.  If you're tech savvy enough to be keeping and eye on android updates and wanting the new roms, you probably already know that it's the carrier's fault.  If not, you're probably not all that mindful of when new android features are released anyway, I would say.

Apple actually supports its old devices decently well.  Yeah they may be dropping a lot of features from iOS6 for the iPhone 4, but by the time that drops, the iPhone 4 will be getting closer to 3 years old, and you're almost surely past your upgrade date anyway.

Online HalfSmokes

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #645: June 20, 2012, 05:09:13 PM »
Google brands it, but relies on third parties to support the software, I would call that google's issue. If I want to update windows, I go to Microsoft, if I want to update a Mac device, I go to apple, if I want to update an android I have to rely on an OEM (who stops making money off of me the second the sale is complete) and a carrier that supports a myriad of devices (or a custom rom created by hobbyists). That's the big thing keeping me from ditching my iPhone

Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #646: June 20, 2012, 05:29:40 PM »
If you want to update your drivers you have to rely on an OEM.  I still blame the carriers, they're the ones that are forcing it to be this way.  For instance, Verizon forced google to remove Google Wallet from the GNex because they have their own competing service coming out.  They want full control. 

Apple gets more leeway because they strong armed them into what they wanted.  That's why the iPhone didn't come out on Verizon in the first place.  Apple wanted to, but wouldn't cede to Verizon's demands of control over the software, so they went with AT&T who would.  When Verizon saw the success the iPhone achieved, they realized their mistake in not getting the iPhone.

I suppose you could still blame it on google.  And it's a valid point of why you'd want to stick to an iPhone, I agree.  I just became tired of the iPhone after 5+ years and what I saw coming up for it wasn't impressive.  I wanted to try something new so I got a GNex.

Maybe WP8 will be the next great thing.  WP7 seems pretty ho-hum in its current state.

Online HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21666
Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #647: June 20, 2012, 05:32:54 PM »
Microsoft has already promised upgrade paths for new wp8 phones, so it seems like the problem is just google now. I'm ditching the iPhone soon- iOS 6 is infuriating to me, and I'll probably go with an android, but the lack of google support is part of the reason I'm waffling

Offline Nathan

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Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #648: June 20, 2012, 05:36:25 PM »
Microsoft has already promised upgrade paths for new wp8 phones, so it seems like the problem is just google now. I'm ditching the iPhone soon- iOS 6 is infuriating to me, and I'll probably go with an android, but the lack of google support is part of the reason I'm waffling

Your best bet then is to go with whatever the current google phone is.  Right now that's the Galaxy Nexus.  Stock android, updated regularly, no carrier or OEM bloatware.

Online HalfSmokes

  • Posts: 21666
Re: Microsoft thread
« Reply #649: June 20, 2012, 05:37:33 PM »
I'm waiting for the next round since there will supposedly be multiple nexus phones