Author Topic: Hardware/OS Geek Thread  (Read 56169 times)

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Offline blue911

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #50: August 27, 2009, 11:58:39 AM »
I own a PC but don't have any problems with the Mac. Mac users on the other hand continue to be a pain in the ass. They continually tell me how much better the Mac is for video editing,sound mixing etc... The problem is I don't do any of the things that are supposed to be so great on the Mac. I don't edit video or mix sounds, never have & never will. I have never expressed any interest in these things and usually get up and leave when others start talking about them. I have, however taken work home which I couldn't do if I owned a Mac.I'm glad people like their Macs,but until I take up video editing or sound mixing as a hobby,please stop telling me how great the Mac is. And I promise to never talk about my PC.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #51: August 27, 2009, 12:24:49 PM »

In fairness, Dell would not be on the top of my list of preferred PC makers.  But that's mostly because I'm biased against their awful touchpads.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #52: August 27, 2009, 12:30:05 PM »
I'm going to miss my long Dell tech support calls with "Jimmy" and "Angela"...

In fairness, Dell would not be on the top of my list of preferred PC makers.  But that's mostly because I'm biased against their awful touchpads.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #53: August 27, 2009, 12:32:58 PM »
I'm going to miss my long Dell tech support calls with "Jimmy" and "Angela"...

I once asked them during an online chat if they were a real person or a clever script.  They didn't give me a direct answer.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #55: August 27, 2009, 01:06:31 PM »
A fellow Maddox fan :clap:

Eh, ex-maddox fan.  Dude jumped the shark years ago, and barely posts anything anymore.  When he does, it's an empty shell of his former stuff.

Offline 2k6nats

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #56: August 27, 2009, 01:31:02 PM »
Eh, ex-maddox fan.  Dude jumped the shark years ago, and barely posts anything anymore.  When he does, it's an empty shell of his former stuff.

Yeah, I hear you.  His recent article on swine flu is self-promoting bull.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #57: August 27, 2009, 01:32:17 PM »
Yeah, I hear you.  His recent article on swine flu is self-promoting bull.

And his first and only article of the year.  Pathetic.  I honestly don't know how he has any significant fanbase anymore :|

Offline GburgNatsFan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #58: August 27, 2009, 01:58:29 PM »
What, you expect me to just click some disquised link you send me? It's a virus! I'm just saying no! :)

Strange.  Firefox is bigger than ever, so it's extremely unusual to find any respectable sites/portals blatantly not supporting it.  There really isn't any technical reason not to do so.

Try this -

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #59: August 27, 2009, 02:12:55 PM »
Har har ;)

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #60: August 27, 2009, 02:15:22 PM »
Try working on your (Windows) laptop next to a Linux wonk on a coast-to-coast flight...thank god for headphones.      

Computers pretty much bore me, so I would have to agree with you here...

I own a PC but don't have any problems with the Mac. Mac users on the other hand continue to be a pain in the ass. They continually tell me how much better the Mac is for video editing,sound mixing etc... The problem is I don't do any of the things that are supposed to be so great on the Mac. I don't edit video or mix sounds, never have & never will. I have never expressed any interest in these things and usually get up and leave when others start talking about them. I have, however taken work home which I couldn't do if I owned a Mac.I'm glad people like their Macs,but until I take up video editing or sound mixing as a hobby,please stop telling me how great the Mac is. And I promise to never talk about my PC.

I own a PC but don't have any problems with the Mac. Mac users on the other hand continue to be a pain in the ass. They continually tell me how much better the Mac is for video editing,sound mixing etc... The problem is I don't do any of the things that are supposed to be so great on the Mac. I don't edit video or mix sounds, never have & never will. I have never expressed any interest in these things and usually get up and leave when others start talking about them. I have, however taken work home which I couldn't do if I owned a Mac.I'm glad people like their Macs,but until I take up video editing or sound mixing as a hobby,please stop telling me how great the Mac is. And I promise to never talk about my PC.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #61: August 27, 2009, 02:17:21 PM »
Try working on your (Windows) laptop next to a Linux wonk on a coast-to-coast flight...thank god for headphones.     

Computers pretty much bore me, so I would have to agree with you here...anyone who likes

Linux is great for servers.  For a desktop OS...  :|

Though I should say Linux can be a great desktop OS for someone who is really technically inclined and wants to learn their OS in and out.  The ways in which you can customize it are unparalleled by Windows or Mac.  But even I have limits on just how much time I like to spend tinkering :lol:

Offline Nathan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #62: August 27, 2009, 04:51:30 PM »
Linux is great for servers.  For a desktop OS...  :|

Though I should say Linux can be a great desktop OS for someone who is really technically inclined and wants to learn their OS in and out.  The ways in which you can customize it are unparalleled by Windows or Mac.  But even I have limits on just how much time I like to spend tinkering :lol:
The thing about linux is that it's "new".  Same thing with the Mac, it's something "new" so for some people, like me, it is exciting to learn something new and tinker with it.  I was one of those kids that would take apart the alarm clock to see how it worked.

Linux works great as an embedded system where you won't be installing a lot of new programs from all over the place, such as say Google's Android.  Everything you install comes right from one "app store" and installs in the same way.  On the desktop, you have RPM based distros such as Red Hat and Mandriva, Debian based distros that use .deb files, some have package management tools like apt and yum with front ends like Synaptic, and sometimes you can only find the app you want in a g-zipped tar ball, package.tar.gz where you would have to go into a terminal program and do commands like
Code: [Select]
# tar xvzf package.tar.gz
# cd package
# ./configure
# make
# make install

Since both are unix based, I don't know why linux distros wouldn't come together and implement a system like OS X uses.  Applications come as a file like "" where the .app file is really just a folder that contains the executable and all related files.  To install it, you just drag it into the "Applications" folder or wherever you want to keep it.  To uninstall, you drag the .app file to the trash and empty the trash.  No command line, no tarballs, no package manager required.

In fairness, Dell would not be on the top of my list of preferred PC makers.  But that's mostly because I'm biased against their awful touchpads.
I love the silky smooth glass multitouch trackpad on my MacBook Pro ;)

Wow, that Koolaid looks superior to the koolaid I can get at Food Lion.  It is definitely worth the $0.20 instead of the crappy $0.10 stuff at the supermarket! :lol:

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #63: August 27, 2009, 04:54:11 PM »

Oh crap, I didn't know you were a Linux geek too.  Everybody run for the hills! :lol:

My post wasn't a diss on Linux, just my thoughts.  It's quite unsuitable as a desktop OS for the average user, but it's great for other things.

Offline Nathan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #64: August 27, 2009, 04:58:54 PM »
Oh crap, I didn't know you were a Linux geek too.  Everybody run for the hills! :lol:

My post wasn't a diss on Linux, just my thoughts.  It's quite unsuitable as a desktop OS for the average user, but it's great for other things.
I'm not a Linux geek, but I like to tinker with it, as I said it's something new to play with.  I'm with you, it makes for a horrible desktop OS at the moment for the average user and I explained why I thought so.  Chrome OS might be able to change some of that, but I doubt it will be anything more than a good netbook OS alternative.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #65: August 27, 2009, 05:03:27 PM »
I'm not a Linux geek, but I like to tinker with it, as I said it's something new to play with.

Yeah I do this every so often as well.

I'm with you, it makes for a horrible desktop OS at the moment for the average user and I explained why I thought so.  Chrome OS might be able to change some of that, but I doubt it will be anything more than a good netbook OS alternative.

If Google can put out a solid netbook OS and partner it with some GOOD netbooks, that's a big foot in the door for them.  Most current netbooks are too cramped, underpowered, and not really that great on battery life compared to regular notebooks.  They're just cheaper.  A few netbooks have really outstanding battery life, but they still suck otherwise.

Offline Nathan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #66: August 27, 2009, 05:10:36 PM »
If Google can put out a solid netbook OS and partner it with some GOOD netbooks, that's a big foot in the door for them.  Most current netbooks are too cramped, underpowered, and not really that great on battery life compared to regular notebooks.  They're just cheaper.  A few netbooks have really outstanding battery life, but they still suck otherwise.
That's not really all that true either.  You can get a much more powerful full size notebook for cheaper than the $499 some netbooks cost (or Sony's $799 atrocity).  By no means a powerful notebook, but more power than a netbook.  I think the netbook thing is mostly a fad.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #67: August 27, 2009, 11:03:37 PM »
That's not really all that true either.  You can get a much more powerful full size notebook for cheaper than the $499 some netbooks cost (or Sony's $799 atrocity).  By no means a powerful notebook, but more power than a netbook.  I think the netbook thing is mostly a fad.

I meant with the same battery life - generally speaking.  If you're willing to toss battery life out the window, then sure, just about any bargain basement notebook will mop the floor with pretty much every netbook in existence from a sheer performance standpoint.

Offline Nathan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #69: August 28, 2009, 10:53:23 PM »

OS X is a unix based system.  Go look up the market share of servers between Windows and unix/linux.  Obscurity helps, but it is not the sole reason.  The fact is that there is not 1 single self propagating virus in the wild for OS X.  There are 2 trojans in the wild (meaning you try to open a file and it asks for your password, and if you give it, you are infected).  There is really no way for an OS to protect against trojans because it is all up to the user being smart enough to question why opening that 'nude art' picture is asking for an admin password :lol:.

No OS can protect against ID ten T and PEBCAC errors.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #70: August 28, 2009, 10:57:32 PM »
Nice try but your personal knowledge doesn't encompass all of existence :?

Considering the widespread "no need for A/V on a Mac" attitude, do you honestly believe that the Mac camp is as vigilant about new threats as the PC side?  Please.

Offline Nathan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #71: August 28, 2009, 10:59:07 PM »
Nice try but your personal knowledge doesn't encompass all of existence :?
I thought you were referring to the fact that there are 2 known trojans, which I already knew.  There could be more, sure.

My Snow Leopard disc comes September 1st.  When does 7 come out?

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #72: August 28, 2009, 11:03:14 PM »
My Snow Leopard disc comes September 1st.  When does 7 come out?

Is that supposed to be a slight?  :lmao:

It's easy to launch your product first when your competitor announces their public release date before you do :lol:

BTW, my 7 "disc" came August 6th.  RTM on Technet, whole family is on it already, thanks for asking. :thumbs:

Offline Nathan

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #73: August 28, 2009, 11:06:15 PM »
Is that supposed to be a slight?  :lmao:

It's easy to launch your product first when your competitor announces their public release date before you do :lol:

BTW, my 7 "disc" came August 6th.  RTM on Technet, whole family is on it already, thanks for asking. :thumbs:
:lmao: No.  I was seriously asking, because I will be buying it.  I see how it could look like a slight now but I wasn't meaning it that way.  I checked the MS website and couldn't find it but on a second check, it's there in grey text where I was looking for a bit of a more pronounced image or something.  It's out October 22nd.

I was thinking about waiting and installing them both clean, side by side on my Mac, but I'm not waiting that long.

Online The Chief

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Re: Hardware/OS Geek Thread
« Reply #74: August 28, 2009, 11:07:01 PM »
Yep.  Every computer I've seen on sale at Best Buy in the past month has a "free upgrade to Windows 7" sticker on it, too.