Author Topic: Is Davey’s seat getting warm?  (Read 6520 times)

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Offline English Natsie

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Re: Is Davey’s seat getting warm?
« Reply #25: June 17, 2022, 05:48:14 AM »
This board is in about as weird a state as I have ever seen it.

I don't think anyone was under any illusions as to how grim this season would be. There may be some who are surprised by just how woeful the Nats have been, but, what ever the circumstances, everyone is still free to comment, and have their say - this a forum, after all. Anyway, what's losing for if not to have a good, cathartic moan?... ;)  I'm sure if the Nats were WS bound, no-one would be complaining about the inveriable plaudits which would accompany that...