The lazy defensive miscommunications and poor baserunning is reminiscent of the Manny Acta Nationals. I get this is a common complaint around baseball. Still, if Martinez didn't have a World Series under his belt, I'd have wanted him fired after the game where we had two runners thrown out at home in the same inning.
Rizzo has risen in my book since last trade deadline when he dealt with reality and burned it all down. The Farm System has gotten incredibly better in less than a year. He owns responsibility for the disrepair it fell into, but improvements have been made. I expect he and Martinez will be back next season, tasked to keep some sort of routine while ownership turns over.
But I am not wed to Martinez as our long term manager. I don't think he is responsible for this mess, but the lazy defensive start to the season with a not young roster was disappointing. Someone has to be responsible. Starting in 2023, he will be living off present performance, not 2019. I like him, enjoy his press conference, and do hope it works, but I also pay too much for tickets to watch sloppy baseball.