Author Topic: Now Rendon Is With The Angels  (Read 9408 times)

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Offline aspenbubba

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Re: Now Rendon Is With The Angels
« Reply #100: December 16, 2019, 07:03:41 AM »
I have read most of the comments on Rendons departure and have yet to weigh in. He was an integral part of the team for seven years and the success of last season. His signing elsewhere was attributed to not wanting to accept deferred money. And that is his right. However , when someone is making 35 million a year ( more than any of us will make in a life time) you are talking about income that is multi-generational and not about only your children and grand children.

You have to compare Strasburgs loyalty to the Nats , team mates and ownership to Rendons rejection of the same. When Ryan Zimmermann signed his extension years ago one of his comments was "how much money do you need?" It is very telling the difference between those three individuals. I wish Rendon success but I have lost most of my respect for him as a person. Yes he was involved in the Nats Academy but that doesn't tell the whole story which only him ,Boras and the Lerners know.