Author Topic: Nationals vs Phillies, Game 1  (Read 20475 times)

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Offline welch

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Re: Nationals vs Phillies, Game 1
« Reply #675: September 06, 2014, 12:08:44 AM »
Got so disgusted when Soriano gave up the SECOND homer that I checked DC Baseball History and found that today, September 5, is the anniversary of the game in 1959 when Jim Lemon hit two home runs in one inning. Big Jim, who ran a grocery store in Hyattsville after he retired. Big Jim, who shook my hand after I recognized him at a minor league game. Lemon's hand was so big it was like shaking hands with someone's baseball glove. This was about 1988, and Jim Lemon looked at my middle-60s blue curly-W hat and said, "We'll get a team back on e of these days. Have to. Great baseball town".

"1959 - Jim Lemon clobbers 2 home runs and 6 RBI in a 10 run, 3rd inning. The Nats torch the Red Sox in Washington, 14-2. Lemon’s 2 long balls come off Bill Monbouquette and Earl Wilson. Jackie Jensen‘s home run with 2 on gives Boston their runs."

Also on September 5: "1908 - Walter Johnson blanks New York for the second consecutive day, 6-0, at New York. [was this the stretch when Johnson beat the Yankees three consecutive games"

"1921 - The all time career strikeout record, held by Cy Young, is eclipsed by the Big Train. Johnson strikes out 7 A’s in a losing cause to run his total to 2,287."