Author Topic: Backyard critters  (Read 109994 times)

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Offline Minty Fresh

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Re: Backyard critters
« Reply #725: August 04, 2014, 12:09:52 PM »
Yeah, I agree it would be cruel to do that. As far as the latter issue about trapping it goes, we'll see. Ms1995hoo is concerned that letting it build up a level of trust in us but then turning around and trapping it would cause it to turn on us. I have no idea if that's true because I don't know much about cats, but I would like to know whether it's been "fixed" because I'm not all that keen on the idea of the neighborhood winding up with a litter of stray cats if there's another one of the opposite sex out there.

It was out on the deck this morning when I first went downstairs (previously, it's come in the afternoon) and it didn't jump across to our neighbors' deck when I went outside with a bowl of some cat food, so maybe it's starting to lose its fear or distrust of us. Ms1995hoo thinks somebody may have abused it at some point in the past because its face looks downcast and its tail kind of droops down instead of looking lively.

We trapped "Stinky Moe" and brought him in to have his nuts cut off so we could adopt him.  Two nights back outside in the cold of winter changed his mind and he's been living with us ever since.  They get over it and as long as you continue to feed him/her and extend the olive branch of peace he/she will come back around.  Cats make fantastic pets and I would highly recommend them over dogs.  Plus, if you take in a stray and prevent them from reproducing you're saving that cat's life as well as preventing the neglect of a whole bunch more.

If your wife's instincts are correct and the cat was abused it will take a lot of time to regain trust in humans.  It's going to take patience on your part and an understanding that there will be setbacks but that in the long-run the cat will appreciate all you've done.  It sounds like you're compassionate enough to do this - which is about 95% of the work already.  Sounds like you'd make a great human companion for this cat.  :clap: