Author Topic: Nats stuff in the Hall of Fame/Cooperstown  (Read 1310 times)

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Offline RL04

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Re: Nats stuff in the Hall of Fame/Cooperstown
« Reply #25: July 09, 2012, 02:32:06 PM »
Never developed any need for a car - ever since I settled permanently in this area in 1977 I've resided and worked near good public transport; everything I need is either within walking distance or easily accessed by transit.

That's very cool but don't see how it's possible.

There is no golf course I'm aware of near mass transit.  And even if there was, I wouldn't want to carry my bag and shoes all that way.

What about going to the beach?  Or going away for the weekend?


My daughter's school is not near a subway or bus line.

Her rowing regattas are not near mass transit.

Son's swim meets,  soccer and basketball games, boy scout meetings.

The supermarket.  The hardware store.  Etc.  Actually I can't think of a darned thing I can get to without taking the car.