
How many points will the New England Patriots score against the Redskins?

Over 49
3 (21.4%)
45 to 49
0 (0%)
40 to 44
1 (7.1%)
35 to 39
1 (7.1%)
30 to 34
2 (14.3%)
20 to 29
5 (35.7%)
10 to 19
1 (7.1%)
Under 10
1 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Author Topic: How many points will the New England Patriots score against the Redskins?  (Read 3772 times)

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Offline The Chief

  • Posts: 31805
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I was never serious about the skins winning 48-2, that was a pretty tongue-in-cheek prediction which I thought would be obvious, but several of you seem to think that I really believed that was going to be the outcome ;)

Online GburgNatsFan

  • Posts: 22334
  • Let's drink a few for Mathguy.
I don't think there's even a chance of this. The old Gibbs has been corporatized. It's over. Head-coach-as-leader is not in his quiver anymore. His only arrow is head-coach-as-corporate-manager.
But I wouldn't be surprised if this ass whopping we took today helps us get on track. Maybe this will help to put Gibbs' old ass back in line.

Online GburgNatsFan

  • Posts: 22334
  • Let's drink a few for Mathguy.
I don't think this is true. In his second year, his abilities started to come to the fore again, but that was before he hired another Head Coach for Offense, or whatever the hell that title is.

The problem is his organization, not Joe Gibbs. Okay, Gibbs may be too old and tired to run the team the way it should be run. But it's not his skills as a coach. It's his skills as *not* a coach that are the problem.
Gibbs is now a clueless, incompetent old man, who would lose 52-7, if he had to play against the Joe Gibbs-coached teams of the 1980s.

Offline NatsAddict

  • Posts: 4099
I don't think there's even a chance of this. The old Gibbs has been corporatized. It's over. Head-coach-as-leader is not in his quiver anymore. His only arrow is head-coach-as-corporate-manager.

Maybe we could switch Gibbs with Fredi Gonzalez of the Marlins.  It's gotta be an improvement for both.

Don't worry everyone.  I hear the Patriots considered that little show just a scrimmage.  It doesn't count.

Online GburgNatsFan

  • Posts: 22334
  • Let's drink a few for Mathguy.
Funny, but in a sad way. If I see one more four yard pass for a five yard first down, I'm going to start rooting for the Ravens.

Kidding about rooting for the Ravens. I've coined a new term for Gibbs' press conference blather: skinsspeak. It's when you verbally go three and out not really answering each question. As many times as it takes.

What really bothered me about his pressers lately is that he spends a lot of time talking about a game plan to win  by just enough. In NASCAR, a car length is really all you hope for. You hang around for 497 laps, get a three car lead, and try not to blow it at the end of the race. Sound familiar?

Seriously, I think his NASCAR experience really has ruined him for football.

LOL Joe Gibbs had the nerve to say in his press conference that he's going to spend all night, as he does every Monday night, preparing the game plan for the Jets. How long does it take to script the following: (1st down) hand-off to Portis for a sweep to the left for no gain, (2nd down) 2007 version of counter trey for a 4 yard gain, (3rd down) throw a 5 yard out to Moss only to come up 1 yard shy of the first down, (4th down) send in the punting team, repeat as often as necessary :?

Online GburgNatsFan

  • Posts: 22334
  • Let's drink a few for Mathguy.
Jason Campbell is starting to look incredulous when he gets calls in from the sideline. That's not good.
I think that may be the answer to all the alleged "communication" problems. (They have alleged communication problems as the excuse for the obvious indecision and bad clock management in games against Philadelphia, New York, Green Bay and now New England, notice how 3 of those were losses and one was actually a home game!). What he probably really means is that he lost contact with Tony Stewart's pit crew chief so out of boredom he was forced to implement "his" version of the gameplan:

The problem is that he still thinks Brunell is in the game :?