We’re tanking. Good.
obviously they weren't in a complete tank mode when Rizzo turned down inquiries for Finnegan, Harvey, and Thomas a couple of weeks ago.
I think what's happening is an overperforming team that got by on great starting pitching performances, middling but not bad middle relief, a great setup / closer combo on a hot streak, and some good baserunning to compensate for a lack of power just had the wheels come off. what was a 9 team scramble for the WC is sorting itself out as it most often does the month before the All Star Break. Instead of having 9 teams within 2 games and the Nats in 3d WC position or tied, there's now only the Mets within 2 games of the Padres and Cards for the last 2 spots, with AZ, SF, and the Pirates chasing within 3 / 3.5.
Teams like the Reds, Nats, and Cubs need a win streak just to get back into the conversation, and even if they do, there's the whole "how much do we push just to compete to beat out 6 other teams for a chance to play an extra series or two? The predicate for a "change of plans" was whether in a scenario like holding a WC a week before the trade deadline would you do any moves to compete for the WC. At this point, that scenario is more than unlikely, and, for that to happen, there still be 6-9 teams contending for 1-2 slots. I think the right course in that situation still would be to focus on 2025 and out years and to sell anything that doesn't figure into the future.