Nats related takes in the Klawchat today:
Oz: I know you don’t grade drafts, but are there any classes you think really stand out?
Keith Law: Loved the Reds, Dbacks, Nats, Rockies, Red Sox.
Paul: Assuming the Nats are able to improve King’s approach (not a guarantee I understand), do you think he could justify his selection at number 10 on his own merits? I’ve seen mixed opinions on the selection and wanted to read your opinion on that specifically.
Keith Law: Yes. Loved the pick.
Keith Law: I liked King more than scouts/FO people I talked to over the spring.
Rick Rude: What do you think of Luke Dickerson getting 3.8m? Were teams valuing him as the top ~22 pick that this would entail?
Keith Law: I had heard of one or two teams (Yanks?) possibly on him in the late first. Good for him for getting paid. He’s pretty talented and I’m not going to bemoan a player getting $500K more than I might have thought he would get.