Author Topic: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3  (Read 711 times)

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Offline Slateman

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Re: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2023, 06:19:49 pm »
So the 5th inning was the (Nats') killer.

About what you expect of a 100 loss team using its nunber 6 starter and B bullpen

Offline Slateman

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Re: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2023, 06:25:02 pm »
No point in feeding the troll. He was no doubt quite aware that the situations were not comparable even before he posted, and has been made aware of the multiple differences even if he were not.

Hell, he still uses that stupid reverse jinx signature rather than have the integrity to admit he was wrong every step of the way as he bad mouthed the 2019 team pretty much from day 1 to the World Series.

Naw that dog dont hunt. Not anymore. Bryce came back and tried to stay. The Lerners wantes to defer half the contract until Bryce would collect social security. Bryce came back repeatedly to the Nats, and was willing to a luxury tax friendly deal.

The fact that this has all been published and known for years, and we still get Nats fans booing him just shows how trashy and ignorant DC sports fans are.

PS: Everyone badmouthed that team before May 24. Everyone.

Online imref

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Re: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2023, 06:28:18 pm »
Naw that dog dont hunt. Not anymore. Bryce came back and tried to stay. The Lerners wantes to defer half the contract until Bryce would collect social security. Bryce came back repeatedly to the Nats, and was willing to a luxury tax friendly deal.

The fact that this has all been published and known for years, and we still get Nats fans booing him just shows how trashy and ignorant DC sports fans are.

PS: Everyone badmouthed that team before May 24. Everyone.

Sometimes I wish this forum had a downvote button.

I won't boo Bryce. He was low-balled and moved on. No need to be negative about that. And besides, after getting to Philly he promised to bring a championship to DC, which he did.

Offline Dave in Fairfax

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Re: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2023, 06:39:01 pm »
No one here is defending booing Bryce. Maybe others, here on WNFF and elsewhere, have, and that's their prerogative as fans, whether I disagree or not. You asked why they weren't booing Max too. That was more that adequately responded to. The dog is currently curled up on his blanket, having doggy dreams of chasing and catching every car and truck that passes by his window.

Offline Dave in Fairfax

  • Posts: 2728
Re: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2023, 06:44:26 pm »
And for the record, I wouldn't boo Bryce either. Hell, earlier today I was going to post a defense of Harper in that other thread where there was an excerpt from an article asserting that Bryce wasn't hustling in the field during his walk year, as if the team itself hadn't been trying to get Bryce to moderate his balls-to-the-wall style of play for years to that point lest he shorten his career.