If he was hampered with terrible rosters every year for six years, that tells me: a. maybe he was part of the problem and wasn't great at developing his own players, or b. it took him too long to realize that he was working with a front office full of slapdicks. He could have gotten out around 2020-2022 and moved up to pretty much any gig he wanted. Poor judgment on his part if he didn't when the Titans were just going to keep giving him scrubs.
Either way (and I could end up majorly eating these words), I just don't see him as the type of coach who's going to win a Super Bowl anytime soon.
I'm still most enthusiastic about Slowik, all joking aside. When you look at his resume, there are a lot of pluses and not much to look down at. The clincher is that he just worked so well with Stroud.