For those who may be headed to Harrisburg for the first time, a few hints:
The ballpark is located on City Island, which is, yep, an island in the middle of the Susquehanna River. Besides the ballpark, there’s a Beach Club bar, mini golf, and a small riverboat cruise.
It’s a nice ballpark with good sight lines. You can walk all the way around the ballpark, including under the scoreboard.
Wednesdays are 2 for one tickets if you show your Triple A card at the box office. Wednesdays are also Wet Nose Wednesdays where you can bring your dog, so you can get a baseball and a dog fix at the same time. They tend to do fireworks on Fridays, and have the usual collection of promos on other day.
1st base side is the shady side. The Senators dug out is there as well. We usually get tix in Section 112 directly behind the dugout.
The Spot Dog stand has excellent gourmet hot dogs.
Parking is $5 cash, $5.50 if you charge it
Hotels are cheap compared to DC, so it’s affordable if you want to make it an overnight getaway. There’s a pedestrian bridge that connects the city to the island if you walk to the game. If you do make a trip of it, I highly recommend the free guided tour of the PA State House. It’s one of the loveliest, most impressive governmental buildings I’ve ever seen.
Beer is cheap - $8.25 for a 16 oz Yeungling draft. They also have several local brews available.
The All Male Dance Team is a stitch. Four guys in loud outfits synchronized dancing to tunes like Uptown Funk. Just a fun silly minor league thing.
They do humorous walk up music as each opposing player comes to bat. The song may be a play on the player’s name, number, or position. For instance, the Altoona Curve have a player named Matt Frazier. For his first at bat, they played the theme from “Frasier”. His next at bat, they played Simon & Garfunkel’s “The Boxer.” It’s a fun game within the game to figure out the songs. Again, just silly minor league fun.
Definitely check out the life size bobble heads behind the first base seats. Harper, Zimmerman, Stras, and Vlad Guerrero are some of the former Senators players represented. Kind of cool, but just a tad disturbing too.
If you’ve been thinking of going there, this is definitely the time to make it happen with so many top prospects on the roster right now.