I was digging around in my home office trying to find something. I didn't find what I wanted (or, more accurately, I found that I don't have what I wanted), but I did find the following drink recipe instructions my late father sent me in 1994. These date back to his law school days (1968–71). My relatives all have fond memories of when my dad made these after my grandmother's funeral and got everyone severely drunk, but nobody had the recipe. My cousin asked me about it around a year ago and I said I knew I had it, but I couldn't find it, and she said, "I figured you may be the only person who had that information stored somewhere!!" So I found it today by accident and am sending it to her, and her comment about my being the only person to have the information is what prompts me to post it here. This probably sounds disgusting, but if you follow the instructions it will taste very good—too good, actually, as you can seriously mess yourself up drinking these. Note that, as I said, this recipe dates back over 50 years, so when my father says "real beer," he doesn't mean IPA or porter or any of the craft brews you see on the market today. He means mass-market ordinary beer like Heineken or Coors, and I assume back in his law school days he more likely used something like Stroh's. The last time I remember him making these, I think he used Heineken.
All parenthetical comments, and the misspelling of "crushed," are as my father wrote it 29 years ago. The name of the drink apparently comes from the nickname of a law school classmate of his.
1. One can frozen pink lemonade mix
2. Pour this into a blender
3. Fill same lemonade can with bourbon, blended american whiskey, or scotch (the second is best—Seagram’s 7 works fine, but Calvert is just as good. Do not use any very good whiskey: no Jack Daniels or Crown Royal or Glenlivet. Also do not use total smeck or you will taste it twice—on way down and then again on way up and neither time will be pleasant)
4. Fill same lemonade can 1/4 way with same as #3.
5. (Obviously both full and 1/4 lemonade can get poured into blender)
6. Fill lemonade can with beer: real beer, not junk light beer (drink maker gets to finish what is left in each can as he/she makes the studlies)
7. Pour in juice from a jar maraschino cherries (not all the juice, just enough so you know it went in—1/4 to 1/3 of juice in the jar)
8. Turn on blender: slowly at first because beer will fizz and, as this is all blending, add cruched ice or cubes if your blender will crush them.
9. Continue blending at various speeds until all ice is crushed and you have a smooth drink.
10. Pour into old fashioned glasses (a particular style glass, not just an old fart’s glass) filled with ice cubes and one or two maraschino cherries.
11. Try not to drink too many or you will throw up.
(Edited to fix a spelling error)