I don't know, maybe they updated it, but I see quite a bit of red and orange up towards Tampa in that bay. The bay Port Charlotte is on is all red, of course, but tampa still will have a decent surge, 4'-6', at least on the maps I have seen this morning. They are also getting more than a foot of rain. It's a miss, but will still be damaging given the property values of the real estate. The cameras on the bridge coming into Tampa Bay show the water just streaming in.
By the way, if the Rays build in Tampa, I hope they include flood walls.
Don't forget that for this storm, the bigger storm surge will occur in areas south and southeast of the eye ("down" as seen on a map view in which north is up). When a hurricane hits the Atlantic coast, it's the areas to the north and northwest that get the bigger storm surge because the "top" of the storm is the part pushing all the water ashore. But in this case, the storm is hitting the coast from the opposite direction and the water is coming the other way, so it's the "bottom" of the storm that pushes more water ashore (the "top" pushes it more out into the Gulf).
I haven't heard from our relatives in Fort Myers. No idea whether they stayed or left (they usually stay) and I'm not going to bother them today for understandable reasons.