Author Topic: Patrick Corbin Consternation Thread  (Read 43525 times)

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Online Elvir Ovcina

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Re: Patrick Corbin Consternation Thread
« Reply #50: April 26, 2021, 02:39:42 PM »
Boswell has a smart opinion on Corbin: he is rushing his delivery. Once Corbins settles down, he will be as good as 2019 and before.

That's rather silly.  Corbin's almost 32.  He wasn't a late bloomer (a la Scherzer or Lance Lynn).  Such guys aren't going to miraculously get better in their 30s or even stay the same.  Corbin has a major arm surgery in his background and threw 225 innings in 2019.  He might get fixed, but he almost certainly won't be that good again. 

Right now, he looks to be dead on the Jordan Zimmermann track: up and good in early 20s, TJ surgery then, strong, near #1 starter peak in late 20s, big FA deal, then...yeah, look away.  Similar stuff, too, just from the other side.