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Harper should not face another hitter
About what.
The Braves lineup. Or maybe the blonde. Or both.
The best thing about the Braves broadcast was back in the day when they had Erin Andrews.
Anyone have a picture of this blonde?
I don’t like her nose. Would never drill a hole in a hotel wall to creep on her.
Kelly Crull. Formerly of Cubs broadcasts. https://www.google.com/search?q=kelly+crull&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjauI3sq-LrAhVO0FkKHeu8AaUQ_AUoAnoECB8QAg&biw=375&bih=635#imgrc=Z2PC9ilNZijr8M
Alex is better looking.
Here comes my next beer... not quite . So 6-3, or is fg behind?