Author Topic: Let us know you are OK (or not) if you haven't posted in a while  (Read 30377 times)

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Offline Elvir Ovcina

  • Posts: 5567
I've been posting, but I figured this was as good a place to post this news. Some of you many know, my wife and I experienced a miscarriage last summer. It floored us both, and really made me hit rock bottom bringing on a heavy bought with depression and anxiety. Thanks to finally getting medication to help me out back in December, I'm feeling great, plus we have fantastic news. My wife is pregnant with our Son and she is due in early September, so Son Mattionals could share a birthday with his big sister!

My wife happens to suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is a fancy latin way of saying pregnancy nearly kills her. I'm not exaggerating on that either. She literally was only gettin 400 calories a day and 5 oz of liquid while getting quite ill. She found an OBGYN who knows the condition and was able to help at week 8, and now at week 20, she is starting to really come around. Lots of bed rest, hardcore medication twice a day, and even more bedrest, but now we can breathe and live a bit more comfortably. All three Mattionals are very excited for our new (and final human) addition to the family at the end of summer!

Good news, man.  Sounds like you and I have more in common than we might both want, but I'm glad for you on the upcoming addition (another thing we have in common!). 

Offline Mattionals

  • Posts: 5775
Good news, man.  Sounds like you and I have more in common than we might both want, but I'm glad for you on the upcoming addition (another thing we have in common!).

Congrats to you man! Yea, it's been a rough handful of months, but things are definitely looking up.

Offline Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26729
Good news all around. Congratulations.

Offline skippy1999

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I've been posting, but I figured this was as good a place to post this news. Some of you many know, my wife and I experienced a miscarriage last summer. It floored us both, and really made me hit rock bottom bringing on a heavy bought with depression and anxiety. Thanks to finally getting medication to help me out back in December, I'm feeling great, plus we have fantastic news. My wife is pregnant with our Son and she is due in early September, so Son Mattionals could share a birthday with his big sister!

My wife happens to suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is a fancy latin way of saying pregnancy nearly kills her. I'm not exaggerating on that either. She literally was only gettin 400 calories a day and 5 oz of liquid while getting quite ill. She found an OBGYN who knows the condition and was able to help at week 8, and now at week 20, she is starting to really come around. Lots of bed rest, hardcore medication twice a day, and even more bedrest, but now we can breathe and live a bit more comfortably. All three Mattionals are very excited for our new (and final human) addition to the family at the end of summer!
Awesome awesome news, so happy for all of you!!

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Pm'd OC a day or two ago.  No response.  :( has not been on since March.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Raving in Riga I hope
Pm'd OC a day or two ago.  No response.  :( has not been on since March.

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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  • Platoon - not just a movie, a baseball obsession
Great to see so many folks logging back in recently. Mim, NoShirts..., Big Meech, RD, Linty,SSB . . . lot's of folks. Be well and thanks for your contribution!

Offline tomterp

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PB says Nat Of The Living Dead is not dead, still out there. 

Offline mimontero88

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Great to see so many folks logging back in recently. Mim, NoShirts..., Big Meech, RD, Linty,SSB . . . lot's of folks. Be well and thanks for your contribution!
Can't ever stay away for good. This is still the best place on Earth to talk Nats baseball :)

Offline tomterp

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Spotted a post from the elusive Metssuck today.   :P

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Yes.  My sense is this place is hot when there's something real to talk about, but, except for the past two deadlines and those deals, there really isn't much of note to discuss.  Probably the sale will be then next thing when it happens.

Offline JMW IV

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I get the urge to come back around every now and then, particularly when I am able to attend a game, which is not terribly often these days. I definitely do not follow baseball like I used to. or really at all, come to think of it. I went to the game last weekend and I didn't recognize any of the players except Soto. 

In hindsight, I was at an unhealthy(for me) level of obsession back in the day. I've become a total casual now.

I'm doing alright nowadays, full time work from home. Live in Hagerstown. therapy once a month. never had COVID. Kid graduated high school this year, going to Bowie State in the fall.

See ya'll on 9/17.

Offline hammondsnats

  • Posts: 37394
Doing great.  Lerners Are Cheap!

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Doing great.  Lerners Are Cheap!
good to hear from you. You need to start defending that place on the all time list. :)

So you only check in when those SOBs cut budget, or is it only when the Os do well?

Offline hammondsnats

  • Posts: 37394
good to hear from you. You need to start defending that place on the all time list. :)

So you only check in when those SOBs cut budget, or is it only when the Os do well?

Haha have a newborn so haven’t been able to watch much of anything.  I can only name like 4 Orioles lol. 

This season marks the least amount of Nats games I’ve ever been to.  Funny how it coincides with them being horrendous.  Although I am going to Sundays game against the Pads.

I can’t wait until those bastards sell the team.

Offline imref

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I was searching for a thread the other day and came across the old YNOT contests that Nats2playoffs used to post. I saw he hasn't been on the site since May, hope you are OK if you read this.

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Haha have a newborn so haven’t been able to watch much of anything. 
Hey, Congrats! This is the kind of news we like hearing :clap:  I hope we have decent owners for baby's first game.

Offline hammondsnats

  • Posts: 37394
Hey, Congrats! This is the kind of news we like hearing :clap:  I hope we have decent owners for baby's first game.

Thanks for the well wishes!

Offline imref

  • Posts: 44592
  • Re-contending in 202...5?
Thanks for the well wishes!
congrats! Hopefully you get to sleep again in a few years. :)

Offline CALSGR8

  • Posts: 11620
Ran into some WNFFers after getting some Rocklands BBQ

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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Nice to see you on line if not in person.

Offline English Natsie

  • Posts: 555
  • It's baseball, Jim, but not as we know it...
And we're back...(stop that groaning...)  It's been eventful times, here at Natsie Towers. First of all, poor old Meows contracted kitty laryngitis. He was gulping severely (because of his sore throat) and had a very gravelly 'meow,' which made him sound like a kitty Louis Armstrong. Fortunately, a couple of shots at the vets, and a few days of rest, soon had him back to his normal self. Then Mrs Natsie contracted COVID, leaving her feeling pretty rough - and then passed it on to me. I know some fortunate individuals are asymptomatic, but not me. It's been a long time since I've felt so ill - eventually I was hospitalized. It's still lingering on, but has just about gone. Then the local utility company damaged some equipment, during some works, and so we've had no connectivity for three days...

Hopefully, that's the lot!  (I've been catching up on what's been going on - 'Nationals lose again', so no change there... ;) )

Offline JCA-CrystalCity

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welcome back.  Sorry about the illnesses but glad all are coming out of it OK. 

Offline Natsinpwc

  • Posts: 26729
Yes, same for me Natsie.  Glad you made it through Covid. 

Offline English Natsie

  • Posts: 555
  • It's baseball, Jim, but not as we know it...
Thank you so much, JCA and PWC, for your kind thoughts - much appreciated.