This will take care of your chipmunk infestation:
(Image removed from quote.)
Turns out, so will one of these:
Howie caught TWO of those bad-boys yesterday on his very first day we let him out. First one he was convinced was dead so he brought it into the house and when my wife saw him with something in his mouth she tried to get him back out to release it which then only spooked poor Howie so he hid under my sons' bunkbed and then released it. Much to Howie's surprise, the chipmunk was still very much alive and immediately attempted to escape. Then, my wife, my two sons and Howie all tried to corral the chipmunk each with their own agenda (Howie was pride of a kill, wife just wanted it the hell out of the house, preferrably dead, my youngest son wanted to save the chipmunk's life and my older son just wanted it to be over so he could go back to playing his video game). Eventually, my wife caught the rodent as it made it's way into my sons' dirty clothes hamper so she scooped up the entire hamper and emptied it on the back porch and the chipmunk escaped.
Howie was disappointed.
However, while on my way out the door to bring my son to Scouts last night, I saw Howie come across the backyard with yet another chipmunk in his clutches. This time, the chipmunk didn't make it.