Author Topic: moderating - simple rules for what we do  (Read 9699 times)

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Online JCA-CrystalCity

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Re: moderating - simple rules for what we do
« Reply #25: October 17, 2019, 12:26:23 PM »
To all of WNFF and all the ships at see -
With the Nats in the World Series, we can expect the good (wonderful old members returning to post!), the bad (scores to settle), and the ugly, by which I mean scams. Hogie was great at flagging someone pushing overpriced baby shark plushies on e-bay in the now-closed baby shark thread.  The Mods don't always think quick enough, so if you spot something suspicious, report it or do what Hogie did.

Pardon me, but I have to get back to the kind Nigerian Prince who left me an email about a sum he needs deposited in the US.