no Natitude....only Ineptitude....we've endured the constant stream of K's throughout the season...this team thrives on diving for three weeks, we'll finally hear the truth from M Rizzo (something he is incapable of telling during the season) about Harper - some injury requiring medical attention; that Stras is done-ski, likely facing a second TJ procedure, how he still has great faith in his guys, things didn't go our way (like opposing pitches bouncing in the dirt to be swung at by our flailers), how good Wieters is...yadda yadda yadda....what horse$hit....
The Nats must lead the leagues in squandered opportunity, inept base running and failure to play small ball...over and over and over and over...I've decided to not renew my 20 game package, and won't spend a nickel on these clowns next season...and have put away any Nats memorabilia, lest I accidentally wear it public and subject myself to ridicule and scorn.