"What you said is really dumb. But I still value your input." I think I learned that in management training.
I know folks who wouldn't even hear/read the second half of the comment. They would immediately respond with an old Western Pennsylvania idiom that has "you" in it.*

* might have a finger point for emphasis
I hope this isn't a dumb analogy but it's mine and I wear it. Driving to see my sister in the Pittsburgh area, I often take the turnpike for part of that trip. For those who have drivin' on the PA Turnpike, you know what a white knuckle experience that can be. I sometime find myself in the fast lane playing crazy "games" with trucks, snow, rain, night conditions, speedin'/in a hurry, etc. I get "caught up in it". Every once in a while, I come to my senses and think, "What the hell are you doin'? This is nuts." I like to think I can occasionally self censor myself on the WNFF Turnpike as well (VaRK calls it "ninja".) ... without "rules". On those rare occasions I cross the boundary, the State Police (Chief, JCA, TT, etc.) pull me over and give me a ticket.