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(Image removed from quote.)How dare you. I'm done when I say I'm done.
(Image removed from quote.)Pizza.
great cartoonI like to sing it....
(Image removed from quote.)
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeriste, Phil's on the post game?
I'm in Cincy so will miss that and Nats Talk Live so will miss those. Young back there are so lucky.
I haven't seen that cartoon in at least a decade but every once in a while the tune still pops in my head on a nice day. Funny what sticks with you.
No Melancon...please...
I'm gonna be singing that damn song all night until I fall asleep. Not that it's a bad thing. But this giant beautiful moon I can see in New Orleans is asking for it.
I'm gonna be singing that damn song all night until I fall asleep. Not that it's a bad thing. But this giant beautiful moon I can see in New Orleans is asking or it.
Joe West "craning his neck"? What a scary thought that is.