Author Topic: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3  (Read 12072 times)

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Offline 2k6nats

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #125 on: May 09, 2007, 03:49:47 pm »
Ameatur Draft? Has it always been called that? Is there more than one draft?

The draft's official name is the First-Year Player Draft, but the term "amateur draft" is widely accepted.

Offline metssuck

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #126 on: May 09, 2007, 03:49:52 pm »
2000th post? wqow, i didn't notice the accomplishment. well thnx.

AHEM*clears throat*

Here, Here. I like to thank all my loyal readers and supporters for being their to read the poetry in motion that i submit via quick replys. I also like to thank the Expos for moving to Dc and gioving me somethin to psot about on the interent. I like to thank Chief for creating this awesome forum. I like to thank Vidro for being the inpsiration of at least 10% of my post in criticzing his horrible plays(hisb clutch hitting into duoble plays in critical siuations, his average defnse) I like to thank Frank Robinson for stealing losses from the jaws of victory and giving me even more post of criticism to drop on my followers. And all in all i like to thank Nationalforums community, becuase without this diverse bunch there would be no metssuck

Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #127 on: May 09, 2007, 03:51:00 pm »
i just feel bad for bergie

I feel bad for the whole team.  Days that pitching shows up, the offense is on vacation.  Day the offense gets some runs on the board, pitchers throw up beach balls.  They can't seem to catch a break.

I am overall concerned with this "if we wait for it, it will come" attitude, mainly about the offense and getting timely hits.  It would be one thing if it was only one or two guys but this seems to be a WHOLE team problem.  It was something to ponder and laugh at the first week or two of the season when we seemed to have got good hits but they went straight to the fielders.  Now its either that or we don't get hits period.  No one is laughing now.

Offline 2k6nats

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #128 on: May 09, 2007, 03:52:15 pm »
Metssuck, you should have also thanked the Mets for sucking ;)

Offline metssuck

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #129 on: May 09, 2007, 03:55:10 pm »
Metssuck, you should have also thanked the Mets for sucking ;)

I may  be a hater, but I'm a man of integrity. The mets haven't sucked in really the last three years. Cotdamn, i hate that team.

Offline saltydad

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #130 on: May 09, 2007, 03:56:02 pm »
Bob Carpenter referred to the Brewers playing perfect baseball.....nah....they're just playing the Nationals :hang:

Offline nats2playoffs

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #131 on: May 09, 2007, 04:01:31 pm »
2000th post? .....And all in all i like to thank Nationalforums community, becuase without this diverse bunch there would be no metssuck
Except this one, which you still don't use (which has now cost us 14 wins):

Save 2k6nats!

Offline sportsfan882

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #132 on: May 09, 2007, 06:01:23 pm »
Just got finished skimming through the game on DVR.  Wish I wouldn't have wasted the time.  There are a few players on this team that don't belong in the big leagues.  That includes Colome (Hittable and way too wild), Langerhans (Can't hit period), and Guzman (He looks horrible on D and offense), just to name a few. Bergmann was very solid but the 0-2 pitch to Jenkins was inexcusable.  St. Claire needs to hold a pitchers meeting to explain to the guys that they do not need to throw strikes on 0-2 and 1-2 counts.  The offense is absolutely catastrophic right now.  Not one guy is hitting consistently or consistently having good at-bats.  It is just mind bogging why these guys can't hit, even against mediocre pitchers.  These games are just sickening to watch.  I'd much rather see us getting blown out 10-2 then all of these close losses.  Almost all of these games are winnable yet we lose every single one of them.  You'd think by luck we'd win close to half of them. 

Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #133 on: May 09, 2007, 06:44:49 pm »
If you want to complain about how no one respects this team, no one attends the games, they are a laughing stock, they make you sick, etc. yeah, then wish for them to get blown out 12-1 every game.  I can only imagine the rants we would get every game on why the crowd is leaving after the 3rd inning.

But they aren't and frankly I think it makes the season more enjoyable and more tolerable than previously thought.  They are keeping it interesting, they are keeping the games close, and they are keeping the butts in the seats of those who attend.

Yeah, we end up more often than not on the short end of things and its disappointing but the emotions of the game make it more fun.  Someone here said we aren't a bunch of zombies but I beg to differ.  Sometimes I feel fans in general (this is for every team) aren't willing to invest emotionally in the teams anymore.  They just care about the stats, the record books, and just the wins.  If fans had their way, every team would somehow end up 162-0 every season.  Disappointment sucks people have different ways of dealing with it.  And just because some people can deal with it better than others doesn't mean they are "content" or "stuck in the rut of losing."  No.  Fans always want what is best for their teams.

Close games are nail biting and losing them is depressing at times but really, we have to consider the other side of the card if we were getting blown out all the time.

Offline shoeshineboy

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #134 on: May 09, 2007, 08:50:48 pm »
Close games are nail biting and losing them is depressing at times but really, we have to consider the other side of the card if we were getting blown out all the time.

This is pretty much the premise that Boz wrote about last season and repeated in ST - that even if what is clearly going to be a losing season, decent starting pitching is what preserves the illusion of competitiveness, which is what makes the games watchable - and the baseball entertaining.

Offline 2k6nats

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Re: Nationals @ Brewers, Game 3
« Reply #135 on: May 09, 2007, 08:54:51 pm »
This is pretty much the premise that Boz wrote about last season and repeated in ST - that even if what is clearly going to be a losing season, decent starting pitching is what preserves the illusion of competitiveness, which is what makes the games watchable - and the baseball entertaining.

I agree, the baseball is exciting when it is close.  However, I don't think the Nats are fooling anyone as far as "the illusion of winning".  You have to expect to lose every game on a daily basis, because the wins will be few and far between.