If you want to complain about how no one respects this team, no one attends the games, they are a laughing stock, they make you sick, etc. yeah, then wish for them to get blown out 12-1 every game. I can only imagine the rants we would get every game on why the crowd is leaving after the 3rd inning.
But they aren't and frankly I think it makes the season more enjoyable and more tolerable than previously thought. They are keeping it interesting, they are keeping the games close, and they are keeping the butts in the seats of those who attend.
Yeah, we end up more often than not on the short end of things and its disappointing but the emotions of the game make it more fun. Someone here said we aren't a bunch of zombies but I beg to differ. Sometimes I feel fans in general (this is for every team) aren't willing to invest emotionally in the teams anymore. They just care about the stats, the record books, and just the wins. If fans had their way, every team would somehow end up 162-0 every season. Disappointment sucks people have different ways of dealing with it. And just because some people can deal with it better than others doesn't mean they are "content" or "stuck in the rut of losing." No. Fans always want what is best for their teams.
Close games are nail biting and losing them is depressing at times but really, we have to consider the other side of the card if we were getting blown out all the time.