There were a TON of empty seats last night late in the game. I wasn't there but have two eyes that work fine. I'm not saying those that stayed didn't do a great job supporting the team but a LOT of people left early.
Ah...what you don't see is the large number of fans who retreated from their seats and stood underneath the stands. A hard wind blowing from roughly the main gate toward the stands along the 1B line. Some concession stands closed by the 8th inning; others ran out of food. A couple of hot dog places had coffee, and lines about 50 or 100 deep. Then ran out of coffee cups.
Between innings, many people left their seats, and "the media" would have been free to tag them as giving up. However, that's when people went to the only warm places in the ballpark: the restrooms.
Further, there were many children...small kids, under 10...four-year olds (using grandpa-vision to guess their ages) and even younger.
We stuck with it until the final out. Escalators and walkways were jammed. I would guess about 25,000 fans lasted...very loyal, considering the temperature, the wind, and that the game lasted more than six hours. How many of those media experts reviewed it all from inside the Shirley Povich Media Center??