thank god Preston's doing his Charity Work and Black Community Outreach from Left Field today and not Center.
Awright...I'm putting my foot down and demanding an explanation of the in-joke. C'mon - what am I missing here?
hehe. okay. but this is gonna be long.
a little bit of background. before we traded for Preston I was vehemently against acquiring him, basing on his stats, and his injury. this was a huge argument on the BPG board.
there's a Guy on the BPG who is a blatant Foam-Finger waving Fanboy who will go to rediculous lengths to support his entirely silly and Homeristic views.
we acquired Preston and I backed off of bashing him, and now wish him success and root him on.
a week or two later, a short side conversation in the middle of a thread between myself and Pasqual about the Frank Robinson's future with the team (re: Next season)sparked this particular homeristic poster to make a series of the most rediculous statements I've ever seen in defense of a manager and/or player.
here they are, cut and pasted:
This is the comment that got the guy started:
I wouldn't cry if Frank got canned.
but from what I hear, Bob Boone is 10 times worse than Frank is.
I said that in response to Pasqual, and that is the extent of our conversation.
here we go, with the statements that form the basis of my "Inside Joke"

With the successful season that the Nats are having thus far, firing Frank this season shouldnt even be in the conversation, should or maybe or however you want to put it.
I feel quite a few of you dont see the big picture with the Nationals inregards to being in Washington DC. The City is building the Nationals a brand new ballpark, MLB wants to have a give and take with the City they get a brand new Ballpark and the City gets Frank Robinson a African American as the team's Manager.
Also I see the Nats re-signing Preston Wilson at a reduce number, Preston does a lot of community work and the Nationals need that connection with the inner city.
Just speaking the plain truth not trying to stir up any racial conversation.
CYA DC Nats At Bat
Only a small mind like you would consider it race baiting for which was not my intention, I was bring to the table the gospel truth now if it hurt your ears Im sorry.
When you are new in town you need an ambassador and for whatever you think about Frank Robinson and Preston Wilson they are the Nationals Ambassadors to the inner city of Washington DC. You cant have a team playing smack in the center of a community and not have Ambassadors.
CYA DC Nats At Bat
ok, break time. Pasqual responded to DC Nats At Bat with this:
You don't sign Preston as a FA purely because of his race, you sign him because he's the best fit. I can think of several African-American players who I think would be a better fit for the Nats.
Same with Frank. You keep him because you think he is the best manager for the team, not because he's an icon. Doing that is just tokenism.
to which, DC Nats At Bat responded:
You want to give us the names of those African American Players, it cant be too long because there is a small percentage playing in MLB.
Heres some of the off-the field work Preston Wilson brings to the Nats.
Wilson is the stepson of former met Mookie Wilson and the godson of former Reds and Mets slugger George Foster. During his tenures with Florida and Colorado, Wilson took part in numerous community-minded initiatives, including "Preston's Pals," a program in which he hosted, fed and interacted with 30 children prior to every Saturday night game at Coors Field (the program was birthed during his tenure with the Marlins).
In the past, Wilson-the recipient of the Marlins 2003 All-Heart Award-has also taken an active role in the African American Council of Christian Clergy's "A Dream Come True" program, Sharon Robinson's "Breaking Barriers" program, Adopt-A-Classroom and Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Stuff like this matters in Washington, DC
CYA DC Nats AT Bat
I guess you havent seen the dwindling numbers of African Americans playing in MLB, Frank wants to increase the number, you got a problem with that and yes the third rail of message boards need to be touch on from time to time when it has something to do with the situation, people always want to treat it like some dirty little secret that they dont want to discuss and that is the problem as long as there is no discussion about it the same old crap will keep happening.
CYA DC Nats At Bat
Answer this question were you born in raised in the City of Wash, DC in the 1960's, I think I know the pulse of my hometown better than most on this board and what they are expecting from the Nationals for a trade-off of a Brand New Stadium that most of the residents of the City of Washington DC wont be able to enjoy.
CYA DC Nats AT Bat
that's about it.