Author Topic: With all this “great year” self-congratulatory back-slapping, just once ...  (Read 2220 times)

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Offline RL04

  • Posts: 4041
... I'd like to hear someone associated with the team to say the words “Virginia” and “Maryland” just once.
It’s always “Washington.”   City of Washington.  People of Washington.  Washington fans.  District fans.  How great for the city.  How great for the fans of DC.   Washington has a team again.  Washington waited 79 years.  And on and on.

I am willing to bet a week’s salary that more fans at the stadium during each of the playoff games came from Virginia and Maryland than from Washington.

Just once.  It won’t kill them.  That’s all I ask.  Have the Lerners, or Rizzo or Carp or FP utter the words “thanks” and “Vir-gin-ia” or “Mar-y-land.”

Online Slateman

  • Posts: 63880
Washington Nationals

Can't imagine why that is ....

Offline RL04

  • Posts: 4041
Can't imagine why that is ....

Because, if you read my post, you'd know - because most fans are not from Washington.

A little shout-out recognition wouldn't kill them.

My dollars that help support their team are Virginia dollars.

If they don't want my Virginia dollars, I'm happy to keep them.

Offline MorseTheHorse

  • Posts: 3172
I can't say this bothers me RL04.  I think it's just assumed Washington means the greater D.C. area in this context and others. 

Offline KnorrForYourMoney

  • Posts: 16273
  • pissy DC sports fan

Offline spidernat

  • Posts: 76956
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I can't say this bothers me RL04.  I think it's just assumed Washington means the greater D.C. area in this context and others. 

Exactly. It's the same for all teams anyway. I wonder if fans of other teams make similar complaints.

Offline KnorrForYourMoney

  • Posts: 16273
  • pissy DC sports fan
Wahhh, the Bengals thanked Cincinnatians but forgot to mention my podunk Ketucky town! :'(

Offline GburgNatsFan2

  • Posts: 47
You are more sensitive to this distinction than most of us are. I live in Gaithersburg. If someone from far away asks me where I live, I say "near Washington, D.C." I'm a Washington fan, not a Baltimore fan. My life is more influenced by D.C. than it is by Baltimore.

The reason Virginia and Maryland are good places to live is because of the Federal City. Otherwise, they'd be Ohio. Maybe Delaware. :)

Offline Baseball is Life

  • Posts: 20393
  • Proud member of the Sunshine Squad.

And how about those Washington Redskins that don't even in play in Washington.

Offline Kevrock

  • Posts: 13788
  • That’s gonna be a no from me, doge.
You are more sensitive to this distinction than most of us are. I live in Gaithersburg. If someone from far away asks me where I live, I say "near Washington, D.C."

When I was in Europe and I said I was from near DC, Europeans expected me to be able to explain why all our politicians are idiots. Apparently because I'm from near DC I'm an official ambassador for Congress.

Eventually I just started saying "Virginia".

Offline GburgNatsFan2

  • Posts: 47
Yeah, well, you could have asked them the same question. Political idiocy is universal. :D
When I was in Europe and I said I was from near DC, Europeans expected me to be able to explain why all our politicians are idiots. Apparently because I'm from near DC I'm an official ambassador for Congress.

Eventually I just started saying "Virginia".

Offline cmdterps44

  • Posts: 15551
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Yea, I'm sure the people in Ann Arbor are getting up in arms when people are thanking the "Detroit" fans for coming out to Comerica.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

  • Posts: 17713
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I've met a few Nats fans who drove in from WV.  And of course we need to add Arkansas, New York, Vermont, Nebraska, Australia, the UK, Netherlands, Bermuda, Canada, California, Florida, Washington State, and anywhere else I've neglected to mention where non-local board members reside  :lol:   

Offline Kevrock

  • Posts: 13788
  • That’s gonna be a no from me, doge.
Houston is waiting for his apology as well.

Yeah, well, you could have asked them the same question. Political idiocy is universal. :D

In true American form, I know nothing about European politics. I try not to follow US politics either. :lol:

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826

Because, if you read my post, you'd know - because most fans are not from Washingtonu.

A little shout-out recognition wouldn't kill them.

My dollars that help support their team are Virginia dollars.

If they don't want my Virginia dollars, I'm happy to keep them.

Are you for real? Because of quotes you mention primarily used by the media, you're going to stay home? With nearly a 100 win team? I repeat: are you for real?

When I went to Nats Park this year, it was "thanks for coming fans." "Thanks Nats fans." "Natitude." Where is Washington in these?

This BS you're going on about are terms the media uses, not the team. I'm sure if you stay home next year, some other VA resident will happily give his "VA dollars." I know I will. And I say that as someone whose family has been in VA for centuries, who owned half of what is now Oakton way back when. The Nats are welcome to my VA dollars next year, and until the day I die.

Offline blue911

  • Posts: 18496
I blame Houston LondonTexasDallas-Nat. If that little freaker ever stayed in one place it would be easier to thank the appropriate areas.

Offline PebbleBall

  • Posts: 3440
  • Now that right there is baseball.
Why worry so much about it?  Falls Church to Nationals Park is about the same distance as Battery Park to Yankee Stadium, so you're really complaining about a technicality of living in a metropolitan area surrounding the only state-independent city in the country. 

Offline Vega

  • Posts: 5516
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They've never mentioned the psychotic long haired Lego guy in South Carolina either. Teh nerve o' them...

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

  • Posts: 17713
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Then they think you are a virgin

Eventually I just started saying "Virginia".

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826
Am I missing something here? This thread had a ton of replies before mine and no mention of the media thing. Exactly when is the TEAM going on and on about Washington? I see fans, Nats fans, etc. Whining about the team not forcing the media to say Virginia is just a little bit insane.

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

  • Posts: 17713
  • babble on
Crap, you are in S Carolina?  I thought your crib was up in Alpha Centauri
They've never mentioned the psychotic long haired Lego guy in South Carolina either. Teh nerve o' them...

Offline Smithian

  • Posts: 11681
  • Sunshine Squad 2024
I've met a few Nats fans who drove in from WV.  And of course we need to add Arkansas, New York, Vermont, Nebraska, Australia, the UK, Netherlands, Bermuda, Canada, California, Florida, Washington State, and anywhere else I've neglected to mention where non-local board members reside  :lol:   

Where the heck is my love, Nats? I've been building an underground movement here in Arkansas.

By the time I finish spreading NATITUDE propaganda among my friends and matching the Duggars in kid count, in 2061 or 2062 it'll be safe to call northwest Arkansas a Washington Nationals hot bed. Fayetteville is already the county seat of Washington County.


Offline GburgNatsFan

  • Posts: 22334
  • Let's drink a few for Mathguy.
Well, U.S. dollars. Probably earned in wealthy Northern Virginia, courtesy of its proximity to the Federal City.

I've heard Rizzo recognize fans from Virginia and Maryland.

I've noticed derision of D.C. in several of your posts.

Because, if you read my post, you'd know - because most fans are not from Washington.

A little shout-out recognition wouldn't kill them.

My dollars that help support their team are Virginia dollars.

If they don't want my Virginia dollars, I'm happy to keep them.

Offline eddiejc1

  • Posts: 398
... I'd like to hear someone associated with the team to say the words “Virginia” and “Maryland” just once.
It’s always “Washington.”   City of Washington.  People of Washington.  Washington fans.  District fans.  How great for the city.  How great for the fans of DC.   Washington has a team again.  Washington waited 79 years.  And on and on.

I am willing to bet a week’s salary that more fans at the stadium during each of the playoff games came from Virginia and Maryland than from Washington.

Just once.  It won’t kill them.  That’s all I ask.  Have the Lerners, or Rizzo or Carp or FP utter the words “thanks” and “Vir-gin-ia” or “Mar-y-land.”

I'm not offended because to me, "Washington" includes Montgomery County, P.G. County and the Virginia suburbs. When people only want to talk about people who live in the District of Columbia, they usually say "D.C." or "The District."