Author Topic: Valentine's Day Alert!!  (Read 610 times)

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Valentine's Day Alert!!
« Topic Start: February 12, 2007, 07:10:07 PM »
Holy Sheeeeeeeet!! I knew this forum would come in useful for something one day!

I just this minute saw the prompt on the forum index page about Wednesday being St Valentine's day.

I'd forgotten.

In England we take it very seriously indeed - or should I say females take it very seriously indeed, it's best not to overlook it as men like me who tend to forget about it usually end up sleeping in the garden shed until about the first week in March as punishment.

So I better buy her some flowers and a card and maybe book a table at a restaurant, she'll love that. I usually get round her by telling her just to be grateful that St Valentine's doesn't fall during baseball season, otherwise she'd spend Valentine's night with me glued to some Nats game on here in our basement with a thermos of coffee and a bag of pretzels.

So you people with wives/husbands/sweethearts/partners - what will you do romantically speaking (if anything) on Wednesday? (and don't forget this is a family show before you answer!)

Re: Valentine's Day Alert!!
« Reply #1: February 12, 2007, 07:40:10 PM »
Here in America there is a growing realization that V-Day isn't really the day a cupid comes shooting heart shaped arrows into our asses.  More and more its being called the "Hallmark Holiday" and just another way businesses and corporations try to milk our hard earned money from us by having us spend it on crappy, tacky, stuffed animals and bad candy.

I mean really, do we really need one specific day to tell someone you love them?  Shouldn't you be doing that everyday, especially if your married?

Fortunately for me, V-Day has another meaning: it is the anniversary of when I purchased my first house.  So the wife and I take the money we would usually blow on balloons, cards, and flowers and purchase something nice for the house instead.

Offline Senators2005

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Re: Valentine's Day Alert!!
« Reply #2: February 13, 2007, 12:21:25 AM »
You just saved me a lotta 'splainin to do as well.   ;)

Offline Ali the Baseball Cat

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Re: Valentine's Day Alert!!
« Reply #3: February 13, 2007, 03:44:21 PM »
The AliCats had their 7th anniversary on Feb 12, so Feb 14 is a bit anticlimactic in this household  :)

Offline kimnat

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Re: Valentine's Day Alert!!
« Reply #4: February 13, 2007, 06:43:49 PM »
Perfect response NOTLD.  Actually, we're taking the kids to Disney on Ice at the Verizon Center.  Free for us, thanks to the Starlight, Starbright Foundation!