Author Topic: Strasburg action figure review and photos. *NEW PHOTOS ON PAGE THREE*  (Read 19070 times)

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Offline raveoned

  • Posts: 34
Looks like I gotta order one of those Strasburg figures.  After this, they'll probably become the most in-demand of those figures!

Who knows, this may make them a cult classic!

Next adventure with 3 3/4" figures: "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strasburg Tides"

Offline cmdterps44

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Amazing post.

Offline Vega

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This thread has consistently had fifty-something guests viewing it all day.

Offline Lintyfresh85

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Good for you, man. :clap:

Offline spidernat

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Vega is a star. :worship:

Washington Post: "Vega loves action figures, baseball, the Nationals and 'interesting girls'. His favorite fruit is tomato. His vegetable of choice is tomato. And his favorite color is tomato."    :tomatoes:


Offline Lintyfresh85

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Big. Time.

Offline TylerDC

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Offline Vega

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Vega is a star. :worship:

Washington Post: "Vega loves action figures, baseball, the Nationals and 'interesting girls'. His favorite fruit is tomato. His vegetable of choice is tomato. And his favorite color is tomato."    :tomatoes:

LOL! Where is that?

Offline spidernat

  • Posts: 76956
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LOL! Where is that?

My bad dude. I was joking.  :lol:

Offline Vega

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My bad dude. I was joking.  :lol:
Ah. I kind of figured it was when I couldn't find it anywhere. Still funny though.

Offline Nathan

  • Posts: 10726
  • Wow. Such warnings. Very baseball. Moderator Doge.
:rofl: They went ahead and watermarked the photo with :clap:

Offline Roarin Storen

  • Posts: 1446
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Wow that is amazing that this got on Yahoo!! First post made me jizz. in. my. pants.

Offline Lintyfresh85

  • Posts: 35131
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Roarin it looked like you were a contestant on The Voice last night. Any truth to that rumor?

Offline I can Throw

  • Posts: 356
That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. My wife even laughed!

Offline Roarin Storen

  • Posts: 1446
  • #teamlocke
Roarin it looked like you were a contestant on The Voice last night. Any truth to that rumor?


Offline Vega

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Back with more!

Can he do the inverted W thing?

I guess the answer to that is sort of/not really.

When we last heard from Stras, he had just been rescued from Cobra red ninjas by the G.I. Joe team. Since then, he's gotten pretty tight with the Joes; he's even gotten top secret security clearance!

Stras heads to the G.I Joe headquarters to take a spin in the Armadillo mini-tank with his buddy Flint. (Who looks like a young Scott Glenn.)

Suddenly, the Hulk comes out of nowhere and attacks the tank!

Oh noes! Stras has gotten himself in trouble again! Who will save him this time?

It's Jack Sparrow and Mr. Gibbs! (They're cool looking, but they've got almost no articulation. They're more like slightly poseable statuettes than action figures. Still, that having been said, they're pretty cool.)

Hulk's tiny mind tries to comprehend the inter-universal freakshow he's in. He thought it was weird that G.I. Joes and a baseball player were here, but pirates too? It boggles his mind. He let's Stras go and starts weeping in a corner.

Stras shakes Jack's hand to thank him... DAMN THAT BASEBALL!

Stras gets a visit from General Hawk who offers him a spot on the G.I. Joe team. Stras happily accepts.

His first assignment is guard duty in some piece of crap outpost in the middle of nowhere with Flint, Tripwire, and some guy who's in a bad mood all the time.

Tripwire annoys everyone by being very loud while playing Warcraft/watching pictures.

Next assignment; hunting down Shadow Tracker with G.I. Joe scout and survival expert Recondo.

Unfortunately, Shadow Tracker eluded them and they lost his trail. They've exhausted their food supply, so Recondo sets a trap to catch something. Stras is not optimistic.

Shockingly, they catch themselves a gator. Stras is thrilled...

... But he's not keen on Recondo's idea of how to eat it.

Next, Stras gets bomb squad training from Tripwire. Tripwire shows Stras how to operate a bomb disarming robot.

Stras shows Tripwire his own remote control robot.

And it serves drinks, which makes everyone happy.

Next is Stras' most dangerous assignment yet. He has to infiltrate a Cobra base to gain intelligence on any attacks that Cobra might be planning. To do this, General Hawk equips Stras with a perfect disguise that will fool anyone, even Zartan, the master of disguise.

Hell yeah. Blends right in.

Stras quickly assimilated in to the Cobra base with little trouble, thanks to his excellent disguise.

He even joined the Cobra Yoga Club!

Stras gathered much valuable information, which he passed on to General Hawk when he could get a moment alone.

However, one day, he tripped and fell, knocking off his excellent disguise!

The horrors! He's been caught!

Stras was taken to be interrogated by Cobra Commander and Destro.

Cobra Commander threatened to sever Stras' bionic arm if he didn't cooperate. Stras said nothing.

Cobra Commander continued to make threats, but Stras stared forward with a steely gaze of determination. He did not say a word.

Just as Cobra Commander was about to remove Stras' arm, they heard screams and gunfire in the distance.

Suddenly, bullets and explosions started flying in from everywhere! Stras hit the deck, as chaos ensued around him. He waited until the gunfire had stopped and looked up.

Destro, Cobra Commander, and Night Adder had escaped, but everyone else was dead. Stras heard a door open. He turned, expecting to see Duke and the G.I. Joe team...

What the freak?

He undid Stras' bonds, and they walked to the exit.

The entire path out of the base was littered with bodies of the best Cobra troopers in the entire organization.

Stras always suspected that R2 could use the Force.

After that episode, Stras took a vacation on his newly stolen Cobra bike.

He's a badass motherfreaker.

Hey look. Screech makes an appearance.

Thanks for reading. As a sequel, this one is required by law to not be as good as the first, which it isn't. Still, I had a blast making it and I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Offline Lintyfresh85

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Offline PANatsFan

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Strasburg wearing 2 hats = awesome

Offline machpost

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Offline Mr Clean

  • Posts: 4109
Now that's comedy!  Thanks.

Offline Terpfan76

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Offline spidernat

  • Posts: 76956
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Awesome dude! If Strasburg sees this he's going to love it. You'll be his guest at one of his games next year for this.  :clap:

Offline Vega

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Due to pressure from people near me, I have removed the sexually charged images. Sorry.