Author Topic: Morgan - "... it feels good to be in a baseball city"  (Read 6021 times)

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Offline Lintyfresh85

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Basically, the process was the Nats wanted to get rid of me.  And basically, you know, I figure one man's trash is another man's treasure in my eyes.  And, basically, it feels good to be in a baseball city, with people who understand my game and love the aggressiveness and the hard work and the hard play I bring.

The confidence that these young men have.  I didn't understand that there was gonna be great pitching here, too.  And the team camaraderie has been unbelievable.  For me, it's fun again.  I haven't been on a three-game winning streak in about two years now, so this actually feels unbelievable.

That's my better half, I think.  Right now, you're talking to Mr. Nyjer Morgan, but basically on the field everyone sees Tony Plush, a hard-working individual that loves to play and leave it all out on the field. ... It was basically me and my friends back home, around the age of 19 or 20, we called ourselves the Rat Pack.  It was three of us.  Basically, my friends gave me the name Tony Plush, and basically I kind of self-entitled my own name.  I don't think a lot of people are self-entitled, but I guess I'm a strange individual. ... That's not a made-up name!  You're talking to him, man!

The writer ends the article with "I love this man."

Hmm. Where have I seen this song and dance before?

This article reads exactly like something one of our bloggers would write in 2009. Enjoy the ride while he's motivated... cause when the bad times come, and they will, you'll be wishing you never had that first taste of "NYJERMANIA".

Offline heeman82

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What a jabronie

Offline chemist

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Quote from: Nyjer Morgan
"... and basically I kind of self-entitled my own name."

As opposed to... self-entitling... someone else's name?

Offline Frau Mau

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Bob Dole thinks that...

Offline cmdterps44

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what the freak?

He literally did this when he first got here. It's rinse, wash, and repeat. Tony Plus was here, then he went when he sucked, and now hes doing it in a whole new town.

and a three game win streak? what a douche.

Offline hammondsnats

  • Posts: 37394
what the freak?

He literally did this when he first got here. It's rinse, wash, and repeat. Tony Plus was here, then he went when he sucked, and now hes doing it in a whole new town.

and a three game win streak? what a douche.

THIS is why you're my brother.  :cheers:

Said the same thing when he got here.  I didn't mind him as much as some on here, but the jeckyl and hyde persona he displays is sickening.

Offline KnorrForYourMoney

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and a three game win streak? what a douche.

I guess he forgets April of last year.

You know, when the Nationals were doing well, before Nyjer started to suck and brought the whole team down with him.

I guess he conveniently forgets that little fact.

Offline Five Banners

  • Posts: 2345
We understood your game, which started with mind-blowingly bad base running and ended with one meltdown after another that made you a national laughingstock. You were the problem, which you continue to make obvious with your weak attempt of a diss at us. Ciao, Plushie.

Offline Vega

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Offline BerkeleyNat

  • Posts: 5026
LMAO....What a douchebag. He must have a prepared statement and biography that he carries with him. Like cmdterps's almost the same act that he put on when he was traded to Washington.

Offline Tyler Durden

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this team gave him chance after chance last season after his too-many-to-count blunders.  and even this spring.  and he's complaining about dc?

Offline houston-nat

  • Posts: 19050
This is in the wrong forum

Offline Kevrock

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He also called Pittsburgh a "minor league team" when he came here.

Oh well. One way to make sure I won't root for former Nats is to talk trash about the city when you leave.

Offline John

  • Posts: 121
What a classless piece of crap.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I've got a bit of truth for him ---
I've been following baseball for 50 years and he is without a doubt one of the dumbest MLB baseball players I have ever seen. I'm so glad he's not a Nat anymore.

Offline PowerBoater69

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Did anyone expect Morgan to change his tune?  That's exactly the pattern he followed in Pittsburgh and DC.  Remember how the fan base here ate it up, how many TPlush jerseys were sold, how heading into 2009 he was possibly the second most popular player after Zimmm?

But still, this is some good stuff to remember when he comes to town in a week.  I don't have tickets to any of the Brewers games, but it is tempting to buy something down close and see if we can get a ball thrown at us like they did in Philly.

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826
Now people are finally seeing what I've been saying all along about this trash bum Morgan. I got a ton of hate for the past year being Morgans biggest not-fan, but now what I saw in him all along is becoming clearly evident. This guy was trash, and the team is infinitely better off for having him the hell out of DC. Good riddance, Morgan, we won't miss you. Can't wait until you're trashing Milwaukee in another year or two. That's assuming you're still playing and haven't received a lifetime ban for going nuts and beating the crap out of a player or fan. Which seems like a good possibility at this point, lunatic.

I'm curious where all the people who derided me for going all out on Morgan the past... Nine months or so, are now. Because at times, heck, not just at times, all the time, I was the only one who was staunchly anti-lunatic. He had a good couple months when he came here, but he's trash, he sucks 99% of the time. He has no self control. Any player who goes off on a teams fans as he's hauled off the field on his ass? Come on. Then there was the inside the park home run against Baltimore. Missing the ball, then throwing down your glove and stomping your feet? Wtf? And now you are trashing DC, a city who's fans supported you almost universally despite this crap, even after it happened? And even after your suspension, continued to support you in large numbers? And now you trash the city? Wtf you piece of refuse. I hope the next time you lose your mind, assuming you normally have it to begin with which is being quite generous in assuming, someone belts you upside the head but good. You deserve it. Nothing permanent, but considering your actions, physically violent included, you deserve a good ass kicking by a nice 6'5", 270 lb. pitcher.

Offline PowerBoater69

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Now people are finally seeing what I've been saying all along about this trash bum Morgan. I got a ton of hate for the past year being Morgans biggest not-fan, but now what I saw in him all along is becoming clearly evident. This guy was trash, and the team is infinitely better off for having him the hell out of DC. Good riddance, Morgan, we won't miss you. Can't wait until you're trashing Milwaukee in another year or two. That's assuming you're still playing and haven't received a lifetime ban for going nuts and beating the crap out of a player or fan. Which seems like a good possibility at this point, lunatic.

Interesting thing about Morgan is that he is polarizing, the general consensus was that people loved him, up to the point when his quality of play slipped and he had a series of melt downs, and then he became the focus of anger for much of the fan base.  In a vacuum, he would be a better option in CF than Ankiel, but he was no longer happy in DC so we weren't getting his best effort and he had to go.  I say good riddance, but it was fun watching the little guy take out anyone who dared stand within three feet of the base paths or charge a pitcher twice his size.

Offline Coladar

  • Posts: 2826
Here's a quote that hasn't been posted yet from Federal Baseball:


Steve True: Why'd they want to get rid of you?

Nyjer Morgan: "Some stuff that happened last year, I guess, I'm not sure, just the way I play, I guess it wasn't ready for D.C. in my eyes."

Steve True: "So was the stuff legitimate? You can clear the air if you like...we don't follow the Nationals that closely here."

Nyjer Morgan: "No, i don't follow them neither. [Laughs]

Steve True: "So it just didn't work for you?"

Nyjer Morgan: "Nah, I'll just plead the Fifth on it. I'm glad to be in Milwaukee now, I'll tell you that."

Wtf? Way to rub dirt in the city, the fans, and the teams eyes trash-man. "I don't follow them either"??? Wtf? Honestly.. Well, lets forget about everyone else. What about the damn players? Was this man really so hated, so despised in the clubhouse that he didn't make a single friend out of the team? Because I get this is the media, and the players often don't care about remarks. But this is striking. I mean, does he really have no friends on the team? Is he that big of a jerk, and we just didn't notice it or hear about it? Or is it, more likely I guess, but surprising still if you come about it from the perspective of a sane, non-piece of human refuse trash-man, that he's just a lunatic who opens his mouth before he thinks, assuming he ever does think, and put his foot in his mouth saying "He doesn't follow his former teammates a week and a half later."

I've got a feeling he is a man who didn't make a ton of friends in the clubhouse, but either way, he doesn't have any left now. Particularly if he keeps this up as part of the "New city, win over the fans in Tony Plush mode by trashing your old team and putting the new one on a pedestal." God, these comments turned the Tony Plush lovers to haters. Imagine my feelings, as someone who's despised him for the past year, after this crap. If it turned human refuse fans feelings love to hate, what does it do to hate? If this jerk turns up in DC next week still in PR mode and pulls some crap and/or showboats during his ABs, I'm going to have to be physically restrained from running on the field and knocking him on his ass. Literally, physically restrained.

God, I thought I despise and hated Lastings Milledge. Man, Nyjer Morgan is just... There's not a word vile enough in the human language for him. It goads me more than anything that so many, almost unilaterally, this fan base supported him despite his reprehensible behavior AND his godawful play and stupid ass mistakes for an *entire season* and he knows it. Then to make these comments? God. All I can say is at least he's gone, and I never have to cheer for a team that has this jerk on it for the rest of my life. If he ever comes back to DC, I'm selling all my tickets and rooting for Peter Angelos. And *that* says something, since I never rooted for them growing up, rather not watching baseball than cheer for the team that kept my city from having one.

Okay, Nyjer Morgan rant /off. After all my hating of Morgan the last year, you knew after these comments that these two posts were coming. I think I've got it all out of my system unless someone replies to one of my two posts defending Morgan and saying what a great guy he is, that it's all explained away because "That's just Tony Plush" and he's a former hockey player, that's just how they do it. Yep, /rant. Bye bye, Trash Man Piece of Human Refuse Garbage Slime-Ball. The teams character and morals went up by an infinite amount without your violence, lazy play, violence, insanity and violence.

Offline mitlen

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Now people are finally seeing what I've been saying all along about this trash bum Morgan. I got a ton of hate for the past year being Morgans biggest not-fan, but now what I saw in him all along is becoming clearly evident. This guy was trash, and the team is infinitely better off for having him the hell out of DC. Good riddance, Morgan, we won't miss you. Can't wait until you're trashing Milwaukee in another year or two. That's assuming you're still playing and haven't received a lifetime ban for going nuts and beating the crap out of a player or fan. Which seems like a good possibility at this point, lunatic.

I'm curious where all the people who derided me for going all out on Morgan the past... Nine months or so, are now. Because at times, heck, not just at times, all the time, I was the only one who was staunchly anti-lunatic. He had a good couple months when he came here, but he's trash, he sucks 99% of the time. He has no self control. Any player who goes off on a teams fans as he's hauled off the field on his ass? Come on. Then there was the inside the park home run against Baltimore. Missing the ball, then throwing down your glove and stomping your feet? Wtf? And now you are trashing DC, a city who's fans supported you almost universally despite this crap, even after it happened? And even after your suspension, continued to support you in large numbers? And now you trash the city? Wtf you piece of refuse. I hope the next time you lose your mind, assuming you normally have it to begin with which is being quite generous in assuming, someone belts you upside the head but good. You deserve it. Nothing permanent, but considering your actions, physically violent included, you deserve a good ass kicking by a nice 6'5", 270 lb. pitcher.

Are you saying, "I told you so."?    :D

Offline Evolution33

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Linty is exactly right and this is kind of what I predicted would happen. Once he got traded the chip went back on his shoulder and he started playing with fire again. Once the motivation wears off he will be back to the same old Nyjer. I don't think his baseball IQ got any better going to the Brewers so I full expect a good number of times when he gets picked off or CS or throws to the wrong base. If Nyjer wanted to stay here and could have self motivated to play like he is he wouldn't have shown up in Spring Training making the same dumbass mistakes he made in 2010. The front office was smart to go out and get a ton of players that can play center, but I don't think a back-up plan is really what they wanted. I think they were trying to motivate Nyjer and Nyjer read it as them trying to replace him.

Offline houston-nat

  • Posts: 19050
This is still in the wrong forum. However,

Man, Nyjer Morgan is just... There's not a word vile enough in the human language for him.

Sweet baby Ray. He's just immature, that's all. Not a word vile enough in the human language for Nyjer Morgan? Are you able to describe people who actually do bad things in this world? Why does Nyjer leave you totally speechless with hatred instead of, say, Ted Bundy or BTK or Rebecca Black?

Offline PANatsFan

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This is still in the wrong forum. However,

Sweet baby Ray. He's just immature, that's all. Not a word vile enough in the human language for Nyjer Morgan? Are you able to describe people who actually do bad things in this world?


Nyjer's just a misguided dude, and not even that misguided. He's having a rough time lately.

Online imref

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what the freak?

He literally did this when he first got here. It's rinse, wash, and repeat. Tony Plus was here, then he went when he sucked, and now hes doing it in a whole new town.

and a three game win streak? what a douche.

i want him to face Henry Rodriguez when he plays the Nats.

Offline blue911

  • Posts: 18496
Sounds like Dibble wrote his exit speech.  :stir:

Offline PowerBoater69

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Why does Nyjer leave you totally speechless with hatred instead of, say, Ted Bundy or BTK or Rebecca Black?

Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards...