Author Topic: Gameday Thread: Nationals vs Mets, Game 3 (THANK YOU FRANK!)  (Read 60932 times)

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Offline Kenz aFan

  • Posts: 5443
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At least they got something going in their last at bats...

Offline nats2playoffs

  • Posts: 23906
The Nationals score AGAIN... Church-on-Sunday hit in by Castro...
Chad bats for himself, no PH available...strikes out.  Season over...As they play Sweet Caroline...
Nationals 2
Mets 6

Offline Kenz aFan

  • Posts: 5443
  • Just a fan
Will all the ups and down this season, it was still fun, well most of the time it was... I truly hope they improve the pitching next season

Offline expos96

  • Posts: 1722
Game over. Season over.

Thanks NATS it has been a lot of fun!

Pityful I cannot watch the after game festivities etc.
MLB-tv always shuts down when a game is over :-(

Offline expos96

  • Posts: 1722
Quote from: "Kenz aFan"
Will all the ups and down this season, it was still fun, well most of the time it was... I truly hope they improve the pitching next season

That should be possible.
That's one of the things we will follow closely during the next months.

They say that they will hire a new manager before December.
We will argue and discuss the possibilities and have some more fun.

Offline expos96

  • Posts: 1722
This also concludes my 3 week holiday. Got to work tomorrow. So it's time for me to call it of and go to bed (it's 22.28 here).
So you later!

Offline The Chief

  • Posts: 31811
Just got back.  Will be posting pics and videos in a separate thread.  The game itself sucked but being there was still well worth it.  Very emotional day for everyone, and for Frank even more so I'm sure.

Offline LetsGoNats

  • Posts: 1594
  • We're Nat Gonna Take It!
Quote from: "The Chief"
being there was still well worth it.  Very emotional day for everyone, and for Frank even more so I'm sure.
I disagree.  The pre-game tribute to Frank was very moving, but they made a mockery of the "game."   I paid for my tickets to see a competition, not an exhibition & pulling of player after 3 innings.

Offline The Chief

  • Posts: 31811
Quote from: "LetsGoNats"
Quote from: "The Chief"
being there was still well worth it.  Very emotional day for everyone, and for Frank even more so I'm sure.
I disagree.  The pre-game tribute to Frank was very moving, but they made a mockery of the "game."   I paid for my tickets to see a competition, not an exhibition & pulling of player after 3 innings.

Well, I can see your point there, and I was pretty disappointed at them yanking everyone, but oh well.  Nothing much that can be done about it.