By the way, I love how the normal cast of goofballs is here posting...even though it's 12:30 EST. Heck, it's only 11:30 over here, what excuse do you morons have?
We're all counting on you to finish law school, pass the bar exam, and then sue the crap out of someone for us, so we don't have to ever work again. We all get Diamond Club seats.
(Image removed from quote.)
Unfortunately, my immediately future most likely involves working for a big law firm handling some highfalutin' corporation's legal business, rather working as a personal injury lawyer.
On the plus side: market starting salary of $135,000+ a year.
On the negative side: 60-80 hour work weeks.
I'll try to swing those Diamond Club seats regardless. Even better, you'll be able to recognize me on TV: I'll be that jackass sitting directly behind home plate who's always chatting on his cellphone.